Chapter 19

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Noel's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about him.
It was almost impossible to focus on anything else the rest of the day.

I begged him to stay longer be he insisted on leaving before my mom came home and found us in bed together, again, only this time worse. I knew it was the right call I just hated watching him leave but I did enjoy watching him attempt to hide the slight waddle he had when he walked.

My mother was able to get off work early to come home and cook me a birthday dinner. I told her it really wasn't necessary, considering she doesn't cook (never has), and we could just order takeout or go out to eat. But she insisted. I know she's trying she best to adjust and maybe letting her do maternal things like this is part of her healing journey, so I let her. We sat in our  unused dining room and talked about our days. I wanted to tell her about Leo breaking into our house knowing she would find his dedication hilarious but reframed knowing I would also have to explain the reasoning for him being here and that wasn't a conversation I wanted to have.

I still couldn't believe he actually did that. When I hadn't received a message or even a call from him I was truly starting to think he had forgotten. I know we haven't been together long but I still wanted at least a text of some kind of acknowledgment. Maybe I was just being stupid but I was a little hurt. But then, while I'm with the other Stallions who wanted to take me to bowling alley for my birthday, I get a text from Leo saying he was in my house. He broke into my house for sex. This may sound ridiculous but I can't even put into words how much I'm falling for this guy.
It wasn't either of us's first time, but it had been our first time together and that's all that mattered.
But, every time I think of him, I think about the way he felt. The warmth of his body pressing against mine, how he'd rutt against me when I pushed into his tight walls. The sounds of he mewling still rang in my ears and that look of desire in his eyes burned into my brain.
I smiled softly to myself before quickly letting it fall when I noticed my mother staring. I shifted in my seat but she didn't say anything, she just breathed an airy chuckle to herself.

The next day at school was easy, easier than most days. People only talked to me to wish me a belated birthday along with the usual stares or whispers I'd get. I know people have heard things about me, about my family, my father. They are intrigued by me, some just straight up and ask me if I inherited all of his money when he died others give their condolences. I don't respond to either. If I had known the kind of intrusive entitled rich kid that attended St. James I would've gone to Spring Hill, I could've gotten to see Leo more but that would've meant I would also have to see his brother so maybe the whispers aren't so bad.

I learned to try not to draw attention to myself, growing up the way I did, it was practically a tool to survival. But clearly all my years of practice mean nothing to Oliver Fields considering he can't seem to take a hint. I shouldn't be so mean, he's sweet, he's the only one at this school who actually has made an effort to be my friend and not a future sugar baby.
He came up to me this afternoon before lunch for our daily chat, friendly chats aren't exactly something I'm used to. The first few times he tried talking to me I accused him of interrogating me, I'm pretty sure I yelled at him, I felt bad afterwards but then he came up to me the next day like nothing had happened. That's when I realized it was probably going to take a lot more than a few harsh words to get rid of Oliver Fields.

"Hey Noel!" He greeted, walking over to where I was standing in front of my locker, with a bright smile.
"Hi sunshine." I teased. I think I getting a lot better at this whole "friend" thing.
He chuckled at the nickname, "You'd have a good birthday?"
"Yeah," I said, putting my books into my locker. "I mean you should know, I saw you at the bowling alley."
"Yeah but that was for like 5 minute, if that." He explained just as something suddenly crossed his mind. "Oh, did you find out who broke into your house? Did they steal anything?"

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