Chapter 17

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My mom woke me up at 8 pm the next morning to help her set up for the party.

After a quick breakfast, she told Olive and I to run to the grocery store for a few extra ingredients she needed. She claims she had been up since 6 in the morning cooking, but I know that's code for she hasn't slept at all.

All of the stores were packed with people, like us, doing some last minute thanksgiving shopping.
On the drive home Olive insisted I take her to Starbucks, and since this was technically early for the both of us, being late risers and all, I agreed.

I ordered a pumpkin spice latte for her and some kinda caramel drink for myself. I also ordered an extra coffee for my mom, knowing that she was gonna need it.

When we finally got home, my mom graciously took the groceries and the coffee with a kiss on my cheek. She then ordered Liam and I to clean the living and dining rooms while Olive helped her in the kitchen.

"You didn't get me anything?" Liam asked as I took a sip of my coffee.
"You hate coffee." I reminded him.
He frowned, "You still could've thought of me."
"I did think of you," I defended. "I thought  'oh Liam hates coffee let me not get his any' "
"They have lemonades." He stated matter of factly.

I rolled my eyes as he snatched the drink from my hand. I didn't even try to fight him back as he gulped down a large sip.
He cringed and removed the the cup from his lips with some still in his mouth.
"Yeah. Yeah, see that's what you get." I boasted. "Don't spit it out!"

I wiped down the dining table when my phone dinged with a text notification from Noel.
I texted him last night before going to sleep asking if my mom had actually invited him and Esther to dinner tonight.
He said yes and how excited he was to see me and meet my parents.

I must admit, I wasn't entirely excited about Noel coming over. Of course I wanted to see him but there were too many things that could go wrong. Especially with Liam here, Noel won't be able to catch a break and I won't be able to help him. There is also the issue with his mom already knowing who I am and about me and her son. She could say something to my mom not meaning to during dinner, then the cat's out of the bag.

I didn't mention any of these concerns to Noel, only making joke about how insufferable Liam will be all night. He had sent a rolling eyes emoji and offered to fuck with him only for my personal entertainment. I told him as long at it didn't involve me I was more that happy to watch.

The message, now, was a flirty message about how he couldn't wait to hide out with me in my room all night to have a little party of our own.
I smiled secretly to myself telling him that wouldn't be happening, then quickly following it up with a "maybe after dinner".

A few hours later, the house began to smell like the warm turkey baking in the oven and the mouthwatering side dishes mom was putting the last finishing touches on.
Olive and Liam had already gone up there rooms to get changed.
I stayed back helping help my mom set up while she went to get ready. When she came back, she shuffled me away and told me to go get dressed as well.

I ended up taking a quick shower before migrating to my room to change into some nice clothes.
Since I was in my own house, I shouldn't have to be too dressed up.

The towel around my waist fell, I slipped on some boxers covering myself up. I put on a pair of black slacks and a black turtleneck, I recently invested in, when Liam barged unannounced into my room.

"Dude!" I jumped.
He put his hands up in defense and kicked the door shut behind him. "Calm down, I'm just here to raid your closet."
"No! Get out!" I demanded stepping in front of him blocking my closet. He tried to dodge me but eventually just settled to shoving me out of the way with his shoulder.

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