Chapter 16

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I slept in the next day. I knew it was going to be an uneventful day so I didn't even bother getting out of bed until 12.

When I finally made my way downstairs Liam and Olive were sat on the couch watching the Bengals and 49ers game. I knew Liam had players on his fantasy team and I'm pretty sure Olive is only watching for Joe Burrow.

They paid no mind when I walked past them and into the kitchen.

"Do you have Joe Burrow on your fantasy team?" Olive asked, tucking her feet into her fall blanket.
Liam sighed, "No, Andrew does and right now he's kicking my ass." He checked his phone running a hand through his hair.

I made myself a PB&J sandwich and went back to the living room. I sat next to Olive, taking a bite on my sandwich.

She pulled he blanket away from me as I grumbled in response.

"Mom said there was an emergency at the hospital. Her and dad left around 7 but she said she'll pick us up something for dinner." Liam said eyes still glued to the TV.

I swallowed, "You were up at 7?"
"Yes?" Liam said as if confused by the question. "You obviously weren't."
"No because there's no reason for me to be." I shot back.

"You don't work?" Olive asks.
"Not on Sunday." I scoffed.
She turned away from me.

I pulled out my phone from my sweat's pocket and scrolled mindlessly on twitter.
I would occasionally watch the game and interact then fall into a comfortable silence.

About an hour later, my phone buzzed in my lap.
I unlocked it to see a message from Noel. I sat up straighter and opened the message.

Noel: Can you send me your address

Me: why???

Noel: so i can come pick you up 🤨
Noel: does 3 work for you?

I frown at my phone in confusion. I glance quickly over at Liam and Olive. He was watching another game while she laid her head in his lap playing Candy Crush.

I straightened up and held my phone lower in my lap.

Me: what are you talking about??

Noel: our date...

I could've hit myself.
It's not like I had forgotten, I fell asleep dreaming it. I just wasn't expecting it so soon, let alone the next day.

Me: oh yeah!
Me: 3 is 👍

Noel: are you sure
Noel: you still want to??

Me: if your not here in 45 minutes I'm jumping off the roof

Noel: ok got it 😭


I sent the address, locked my phone and pushed myself up off the couch. I moved around Liam's legs and ascended up the stairs before he could question me.

I made it to restroom and closed the door behind me. I quickly freshened up before heading to my room to change.

I rummaged through closet trying to pick something to nice to wear. I tried a couple different shirts and sweaters but nothing seemed to work.
I started stressing, I have no idea why, it's just Noel and he has seen me in worst conditions.

But, sometimes, I liked the way his breath catches when he sees me. Or the way he studies my body when he thinks I'm not looking.
And, honestly, since I've been sorta "seeing" Noel I've been noticing I look in the mirror a lot more. Checking myself out, making sure every imperfect strand of hair is perfectly in place.

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