Where are we now? Chapter 5

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Silver POV-

I woke up from my slumber but once I started opening my eyes I noticed I was in a forest and not in the ruins which I like to call the temple for a more fantastic name. Once I looked around I stood up faster than I ever had but once I tried I fell. "WHAT THE HELL!?" I yelled looking at my leg, My leg was covered in weird vines and rope. "how long was I lying here?" I asked myself out loud looking around. once I looked at my leg much more I noticed next to a rock near my foot there was a sharp piece of glass real convenient huh? I used it to cut through the vine and rope and once I do I take a look at my ankle where the rope and vine were it was bleeding but I didn't have my bag with my bandages so I took the sharp piece of glass and cut a little bit of my shirt to wrap around the cut. after that, I see if I have anything in my pockets. nothing at all. once I notice I have nothing at all I pick up the sharp piece of glass and a rock and put them in my left pocket and start walking straight forward since it looked like there could be a path up ahead. after walking for what felt like hours I finally managed to find a gravel path and I start following the path towards a little stream. once I get to the stream I hear a horrifying scream that sounded inhuman from not too long away. "what the fuck was that?" I said to myself looking behind me and waiting for a big monster to appear from the trees.  I cross the stream and walk for a bit more and once I do it starts turning dusk.  I believe I have been walking for hours now but then I hear the scream again I hear it right behind me and I feel the ground shaking once I hear and feel that I look back to see the monster Amanda turned into back at the house...  she starts running after me and I start running so fast weaving into the trees and losing "Amanda". "SILVER!" I hear Woolie shout while running towards me and hugging me. "oh my god Woolie!" I said while hugging Woolie back. "Hey everyone I'm also here" I hear Ricky say while leaning on a tree. "OMG hey Ricky!" Me and Woolie both said at the same time. "Well where are we now?" Ricky asks me and Woolie "I..I don't know..." I said.


end of chapter 5! 

little writer's note: I'm sorry for taking so long for writing. my school stuff started a week ago and I mostly had no motivation to write this summer pretty much! I hope ur gonna like the upcoming chapters I haven't made yet! welp, thank you all for reading! love u all! have a great day/afternoon/night!

Amanda the adventurer  "THE VHS TAPES"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin