Behind the Screen Chapter 6

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??? POV:

Silver has been missing for days now. no one has seen a trace of her ever since monday. The last place she was seen was in that sick ass attic. I swear that attic has a curse. I havent step foot in their since Winston went inside and never came back out a few years back. Now Silver Went in and shes Gone too. I have to save her i wont let her be like Winston. Im going into that attic to find them both. im going in and no one can stop me....

a few hours later after ??? had made the plan to go into the attic:

??? POV:

I have everything i need to go into the attic. Flashlight, food, journal, pencil, and water. You never know what you might need. i walk up to the end of the upstairs hallway while everyone else is asleep in the house. I unlock the attic door on the ceiling and the ladder comes down. I go up the ladder and pull the ladder back up and close the attic door. i still had the attic key in my bag of course but just incase i didnt want to lock the door if it wouldnt budge open. once i looked around the room their was no light on in the room so i took out my flashlight and turned it on. I notice that the room is filled with baby toys all made by the same brand named "Hamoln" the name in a mouse drawing. i then saw a light source i pulled the wire that turned on the ceiling light.  I then noticed a table in the middle of the room and a tv with tapes next to it. I also saw a desk with a book with rainbow numbers in it. Their was also a safe on the floor not very well hidden and even a toy oven with fake foods next to it. Then as i was investigating the box on the ground with a lock on it i started hearing tapping sounds on the window. I look up at the window to see that it had started to storm outside. I got up from the mysterious box and walked over to the Tv and read what the tapes were called. The tapes are called "Amanda the Adventurer". A kids show i used to watch when i was younger with my siblings. The episode on the table was called "In The Kitchen".  I turned on the tv and Inserted the tape. 

The tape started with the intro with 4 characters.  One character was a girl with a yellow shirt and blue shorts next to a sheep. The other girl had Brown hair and wearing a checkered sweater and black ripped jeans. The other boy had a red vest on with orange hair and big eyes. The Tape started and the two girls and the sheep were in a kitchen with moving counters and stuff. The two girls took out the apples and took out some bowls and plates. "Hi Im Amanda!" Amanda said and then Woolie says "And Im Woolie!" "And Im S!l^e$!" The girl said im guessing the tape glitched out on her name. "Today we are going to make an apple pie!" Amanda says while putting her hands up in the air. "First we need to cut the apples!" The other girl said. "Hmm do you know what we could cut the apples with?" Amanda asks me. I say outloud "A knife". The tape goes by but then for some reason the oven part is so specific i write down 425 degrees and 40 minutes maybe ill need it for later. when the tape ends i take out the tape and look behind me to see that the oven shifted onto the center table. i then remebered 425 degrees and 40 minutes so i set the setting to that and put the fake apple into the tin and put it inside and press start. once i do the oven door opens and shoots a tape into my face. "AGGH!" I said falling backwards onto the floor with the tape on my lap. I sit back up and put the tape inside the Tv. Its start playing distorted scenes with the four characters and soon enough the tape glitches out on amanda's face with the knife in her hand. I then feel the ground shake and the  shake again and notice that its coming from downstairs. I look behind me and nothings their i sigh in relief but just as i was about to turn back around the Attic door swung right open with a grey monster like hand and then growling. Then the demon thing came up and swung at me. My head hit the TV screen so hard i passed out.


creators note:

I tried my best to implement the new demo for amanda the adventurer's lore. I saw the logo of the company in game on most of the toys and couldnt read it quite properly sooo ye. Also YAYYY new random characters i made for u guys to be confused about!!!! welp thats about it! how many words u ask? well that would be 868!

Amanda the adventurer  "THE VHS TAPES"Where stories live. Discover now