Part 9 (a) - Nishi Padma

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Beholder Nymphia Nymphae, blue water lily /Neel shaluk whispered the beholder self, Tania, Tania, eternity, my love. Now you need to be created in a life form.
Tania entered the tribal village with Baishakhi by afternoon. They discussed about many things. They discussed about the recent governmental negligence to the education system. Then Tania makes them understood what they have to do on the evening when signal will come. Then they walked towards Baishakhi's residence. A young tribal boy Sonai came with them as company. He was well built. Dark, with a lump of hairs. Beautiful eyes. A bow and arrow in shoulder. The token of responsibility. One lady was waiting for them. Few other women sat here and there in the mud courtyard. Suddenly two known police informer came with by-cycle. They stopped near Tania and shouted directly to get out of the place as police apprehended. She is a terrorist group member, came here to plan destruction. If she doesn't go by two hours, police will arrest Tania. Tania uttered nothing. The women who came to meet Baishakhi suddenly spitted her chewing tobacco and said, hey, still your office in charge didn't pay her for her business last time, and they too have loan from her. Others possibly knew the business of the beautiful looking woman. They laughed. The two informer Mihir and Sukunar fled but shouted, well, we give her tonight but don't want to see tomorrow. The woman used four lettered word and shouted back them as they shouldn't enter village. Without his money she owes from them. Tania discussed the programme again and next morning she started her gypsy towards Calcutta.
The large playground of Bandel near Calcutta. Co-director Mr. John May Joy put his crews in right places. He shouted camera one ready?
Dyuti in a sky-blue salwar suit and Snickers shoe was walking with Putul. Putul had her cat Tomtom is a basket. She said Dyuti gladly, do you know today is 8th August, the international cat day? Dyuti said, yes, Putul. She was actually waiting for two girls to meet Hina and Anna Harnandez. Hina is from Kashmir. Now work for an IT industry working on a GIS database of micro watershed. Anna Harnandez is an environmental conservationist and ground truth verification team leader of the same company posted in Calcutta. Kajal Chowdhury, the ex-zamindar and actual owner Jangalgarh fort and surrounding forest is their counterpart sit in London office. Nivedita works in a NGO attached to them who works for watershed management in West Bengal.
Cut camera one. Start camera two. Spot on the little boy from Africa running towards Dyuti and Putul. Camera two caught the boy in action and panel.
The Afro reached Dyuti and snatched her handbag. Then ran fast. Dyuti was faster. They boy suddenly threw a ninja wheel with a turn of body on toe and ran again towards the playground gallery. Dyuti ducked the ninja wheel and again ran behind the boy. The boy jumped out the hurdle of the small prophet behind the gallery top. Then jumped outside. Dyuti did the same but caught the boy by his neck. The little boy threw Dyuti in ground with a bend of his torso. Dyuti again jumped straight and within few minutes the boy was captured by Dyuti. Putul reached there by then through the gate with her cat Tomtom. Dyuti asked the boy, why you did so? The little boy said two girls are captured in the hand of the shark, one of the powerful mafia bosses from Italy, in a nearby house. The boy said his name is Iblish. He doesn't like torture on woman. Though the shirk is trying to make those two girls as Beit to encroach into the five Gems of Ghantaghar. One of his informers identified Putul is from Ghantaghar. The Shirk took the easiest way to take Putul and Dyuti to the hide out with the instigation of thrill, chase and Jeal. That's why he did that. Dyuti smiled.
To be continued....

Casting : Mahua talking to little Latai

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Casting : Mahua talking to little Latai

Casting: Tania in underwater situation

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