7) first day

4 1 0

Sofia's POV

"Wake up lossers" I could here a noise.

Then suddenly someone threw water on my face. Causing me to wake up. I found it hard to open my eyes because of all the light.

After I was able to see clearly I saw that pug face holding a cup.

So she is the one that threw water on me. Pansy was standing next to her, drenched in water, she had a shocked expression.

'she thinks that she can ruin my morning and get away with it?' I thought

"How dare you" said Pansy

"Better watch your back pug face" I said

She then left the room and I got off the bed to get ready.


"Why did she do that" I asked

"She is just jealous of us" said Pansy

" its not even a week and I have already made an enemy" I said

" she is like that to everyone and yes she is hated by more than half of the school" Pansy said

" what's her name though" I said

" it's Astoria Greengrass"

" ohh'

I need to come up with something. I can't just let her get away with it.

" what's your first class" Pansy asked

" potions" I replied

" ohh that's great I have the same" said Pansy.

We then went to have out breakfast.


At breakfast I could see that pug face sticking to the blond boy.

' they are made for each other' I thought


We entered the class and saw that there were no two seater desk empty so I and Pansy had to sit separately.

There were four rows. One for each house. Two could sit on one desk.

Pansy sat on the third row second last desk where as I sat on the fourth row last desk.

Somebody was already seated over there but he had covered his face in the book so I could not see it.

About five minutes later a professor entered the class.

"I am professor Snape  and I am you potions professor" he said

" you may sit anywhere today since it's you first day but tomorrow onwards I will assign you places" he said

'He seems strict' I thought

When Love Lastsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें