13) harry

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Sofia's POV

Someone hugged me from the back.

I turned around.

Harry hugged me even tighter and left after a while.

"Hey! Look I know I overreacted and I'm really sorry, I know I shouldn't have" Harry said.

"And I know that you had a hard time dealing with a few people" he said in disgust, implying Astoria.

" and I am sorry I did not help you" he said apologetically.

" Harry it's fine" I said whilst smiling.

"No it's not you my little sister and I should look out for you'' he said guiltily.

"Harry it's fine besides I already handled pig face" I said.

"Yeah I know the twins told me" he said while laughing a bit.

I smiled.

"Ok listen, if anyone is troubling you, you are going to tell it to me. Okay?" He said.

" ok I'll tell you" I replied.

" and promise me that you will be extra careful near those snakes" he said.

I sighed at that.

Harry began staring at me so I replied.

" I promise you that I'll be careful near them" I replied.

" ok good" Harry said.

"I think we should go to have breakfast first, classes will start soon" he continued.

I hummed.

" if you ever need me just come in the common room" Harry said.

I smiled whilst nodding.

"Good morning you two" a voice said .

We turned to see none other than Tyson.

" good morning" I and Harry said.

" you two have finally made up" Tyson said.

"Honestly it was starting to get on my nerves" he continued.

"But I am glad that it's finally over now" Tyson said.

Harry and I just smiled and nodded.

"Well I better get going" Harry said.

Harry then hugged me and kissed me on my forehead and left to go to the Gryffindor table.

"See I told you that he will come back to his senses eventually" he said.

"But you were not ready to listen to me" he continued.

I playful punched his arm.

" well anyways I better get going" he said.

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