8)Charms class

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It's the end of the day and Harry still hasn't spoken to me.
I and pancy make our way towards the charms classroom.

Filius Flitwick is the Charms Master at Hogwarts and the head of Ravenclaw house.

Filius Flitwick is the Charms Master at Hogwarts and the head of Ravenclaw house

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" everybody please take a seat" he said

" silence everyone" he said causing everyone to stop what that were doing and pay attention to him.

" im Filius Flitwick is the Charms Master at Hogwarts and the head of Ravenclaw house." He said introducing himself.

Harry, Ron and hermione entered the classroom.

' well at least they decided to show up earlier than potions' I thought

Harry completely ignored me.

Tyson on the other hand kept giving me encouraging smiles. During lunch he even told me that Harry would get over it as time passes.

' well at least one brothers does not hate me for being in slytherin ' I thought

Similar to potions all students sat with their housemates

Similar to potions all students sat with their housemates

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I sat in middle of two guys.

Guess who?

Clue is that they are arrogant

Yup. Draco - the blonde arrogant one sat on my right while Tom sat on my left.

"you're saying it wrong. It's Leviosa, not Leviosar" Said Tom.

"Hmm" I replied trying to concentrate.

By now I was annoyed.

' why is it not working ' I thought while moving my wand vigorously.

"No, stop, stop! Your doing it all wrong, have you never caught a wand. At this rate you're going to take someone's eye out" Draco said making Tom chuckle

" good I hope its yours" I replied

This made him scoff. He did not bother me for a while.

I kept on trying, Draco suddenly pulled my wand.

"Heyy" I said

" catch here" he said

I caught my wand the way he told me to. He caught my hand and guided my hand.

It worked!! It finally worked, I could make a feather fly.

This just made Tom and Draco smirk.

'Ugh I need to study. They won't be satisfied next time' I thought

Class ended soon.


'now for my plan I need help from the twins ' I thought

I began searching for them but did not find the anywhere.

I was walking towards the slytherin common room in defeat.

Suddenly I heard 2 people talking. I could recognize those voices anywhere.

Fred and George!!

" hey guys I need help" I said

"Off course " said George
" how can we help you" continued Fred

"I need something sticky, gooey, disgusting and it should be hard to wash off " I said

" done" said Fred and George together.

"Meet us tomorrow" said Fred

"After breakfast " continued George

"Infrount of the great hall entrance " said Fred

" thank you boys" I said

We wished each other good night and I went to my dorm.

I entered the dorm and heard a pig snoring aka Astoria snoring.

' great how am I going to sleep now?' I thought


Excuse grammatical errors

Thank you

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