I raised a yellow rose

And named it after you

Sometimes I press the glass against my chest;

the glass that's now your home

It feels like you are there if only I hug tight enough

that simple, handpainted frame

Shushed by the doors of death but, I hear your voice inside me evermore

If meadow unfolded before my feet

to walk across the border

I would run until there was nothing to run from
I would run straight into you

I named a rose after you

I whispered "you are the best, most beautiful rose in the whole entire world"
"Grow big and strong, I know you can, I know that you will live"

And the flower listened.
Blooming and blooming again without a wither
I wish you could have blossomed
off words from my heart

But, rather
bodies age just like a rose
But only roses rise from the dead each summer

year after year
waking up from their slumber

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