You go outside you see the sun
and you believe
You go outside you feel raindrops
and you believe

If you could only see you would believe in God
than you believe in me
If you could only read
the sky

You belive in the sun
You see it
But if seeing was to truly believe?
You would know
More than what you think
you know.
Ya know?

For of seeing was believing
Racism would not exist
You would see a human before
Not something to fear.

You believe in the sun
Because you can see it in your sky
You fathom is existence
But not by sight alone
You can feel it above you
You can sense it
You are made aware of her
But, more than that . . .

You've been taught to believe in it
You have been raised with an essence for it
If no one taught you her principles, 
If no one showed you her light?
Do you believe,
     you would have still believed?

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