378 13 105

Mike: gm guys. How's your day going?

Killbyers: I wish I never woke up. You?

Mike: I hate siblings

Killbyers: oh. Well at least i don't have that problem.

Imhighrn: why are you on your phone? You're in school.

Killbyers: sorry

Imhighrn: it's okay have a good day at school i love you

Killbyers: you're so high rn 💀

Imhighrn: facts

Ellos: I saw a small stick in his room.

Killbyers: small? That's probably his dick.

Ellos: what's a dick?

Killbyers: ... Ask your father.

Ellos: He's your stepfather??

Killbyers: no?? Mom and him are just dating 👺

Imhighrn: how many guys wanna marry my mom ☹️

Killbyers: idk tbh..

Imhighrn: oh.

guns>>: Hello

Imhighrn: h-h-hi nancy😳😳😳

Immigrants: 🍿🍿🍿

Steve: wow.

Immigrants: yea. Btw who wants to go on a double date.

Steve: you have a lover??

Immigrants: vickie asked me out.

Steve: hold your horses

Mike: that's what my dad said before he went back to sleep

Killbyers: nobody asked

Mike: fuck you.

Killbyers: a-ayo??? That's kinda gay mikey mouse😦😦😦

Mike: idc

Killbyers: ok

Ellos: what's fuck?

Maximum: I'll tell you in dms..

Ellos: okay!! Thank you max 🥰

Maximum: ofc bbg<333

Killbyers: "girls can be lesbian"

Wsinclair: throwback to the time Max touched els hand OHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Killbyers: when did that happen

Wsinclair: nvm it was another redhead and a blonde

Immigrants: ...

Steve: I see how it is..

Wsinclair: anyways

Dustyshelf: I lost my cat again

Wsinclair: Who

Dustyshelf: the brown cat

Wsinclair: ASKED???

Dustyshelf: please for the good of this world kys

Steve: dustin.

Dustyshelf: omg okay sorry dad.


Killbyers: what's

Wsinclair: ???
What's what

Killbyers: you should know the meaning by now, damn.

Wsinclair: I hate you

Killbyers: who has the divorce papers?

Wsinclair: WAIT NO

Killbyers: ...
You've already wronged me twice by now, Lukey...

Wsinclair: I know... I-Im sorry...

Maximum: I used to make my barbies kiss

Wsinclair: that was so random but okay

Killbyers: I used to make my baseballs kiss

Maximum: why

Killbyers: I didn't have ken dolls

Maximum: oh.

Imhighrn: ok. So anyone wanna play t Or d?

Killbyers: d.

Imhighrn: but I didnt—

Killbyers: BRUH GIVE ME A D

Wsinclair: -ick

Killbyers: that too but yea

Wsinclair: 💀💀💀💀

------this is signalling the end------

A/N: IK IT'S SHORT. I'M SORRY. but the bbg references are of me and Mxnwrites 💀💀💀

byler chatfic + Platonic Byclair And Elmax &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now