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Wonderland, a place of enchantment and wonder or so you thought. My great aunt said that she went there a long time ago when she was just my age I believed it was a fairytale but now I think I'm going mad....

My name is Phillip and my great aunt always told me stories of a white rabbit with glasses and a pocket watch who was always running late, unbirthday parties with hatters and hares, and a queen who always lost her temper. I always thought she made up these stories since a hare can't sing and rabbits can't tell time. I was sitting at the park, my friends were doing who knows what, when I saw a person wearing all black and one weird looking crown. As they got closer I realized it was a girl in a very pretty dress she got over to me after a bit of walking in straight lines. "Are you going to move or am I taking you." She asked. "what?" "Are you going to move or am i taking you, do you just sit there like a roadblock all day?" I stood up and got a better look at her. She had dark blue eyes, auburn hair, and pale skin like she never set foot outside in her life. "I do not sit like a roadblock all day you could just go around me" I stated, she looked at me confusion written on her face. "I can't simply go around I'm a rook I go forward and to the side but never around, have you never played chess in your life?" I nodded in response. "Ok so what are you supposed to be exactly." "what" "what are you a knight, bishop, rook what are you?" I moved out of her way "I'm not a piece I'm a boy." I responded very confidently. "Obviously" She turned and went the other direction so I decided to follow her. "If you aren't going to leave me alone will you at least act like a piece." I shook my head no as I smiled and kept walking next to her. "Where am I exactly may I ask" "Wonderland in the black queen's side of the board" Wonderland it was real it wasn't just stories that my aunt had told me I stopped walking. The girl stopped as well once she realized I wasn't by her anymore. "Are you coming?" "I thought this place wasnt real just some stories my aunt made up to keep me entertained" I stared at her with disbelief. "Well what do you think now kid" she walked over to me a bored look in her eyes. "I think I'm going mad." "Well almost everyone here is a little mad kid now shall we continue?" I nodded and we continued forward.

(468 words)

Not so wonderful wonderlandحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن