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They nodded to my answer then slowly started to disappear then they were gone the only thing left was the terrifying grin but soon that disappeared too. I kept walking and hearing laughs as I went and finally I found a sign "Aylia 2 Miles" it said. "Perfect a town.".......

I never found any signs of a town but I saw a person sitting under a tree in the distance. I was hopeful that they would give me directions to Aylia but as I got closer I saw the rook. I approached with a bit of caution but I was relieved to find her. I sat down next to her I felt her eyes watching me silently. "Are you ok?" I asked looking at her all I got out of her was a nod and a mumble of an apology. "So there is a town around here somewhere named Aylia but I haven't seen a sign for it in awhile." She looked at me with a confused look on her face. "That's not a town Phillip that's a name. Where did you learn it?" "On a sign after talking to this weird kid with a cat hoodie on." She nodded a bit. "If Aylia is a name then who does it belong to?" I asked after what felt like forever in the silence. All she did was shrug then out of the silence came the same voice from earlier. "Oh you know exactly who that name belongs to Aylia." I looked around then up into the tree after I found nothing around us and there was the person from the forest. "I don't answer to that name anymore and you know that." The rook responded. "Your name is Aylia?" I asked her and she nodded. "It's pretty." She smiled and I looked up at the kid in the tree. "What's your name?" "Their name is Ace if they tell you otherwise they're lying." Ace glared at Aylia. I nodded and got up. "If they lie about their name how did you come across it." I was genuinely confused and wanted to know more about these two's relationship. It reminded me of my friends. "Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" Ace started to say. "Is there a reason you're still here Ace because you left me alone when we first met." Aylia asked and they jumped down and whispered something into her ear. After a bit she looked at me then back at Ace. "You're a weird person." She got up and walked over to me. "We should probably get you home." "Can I help!" Ace asked with an excited look on their face and the rook looked at me as if she was waiting for my decision. "Sure" I responded and Ace's face lit up with excitement. They got up and we started our journey to help me get home. We got into the forest and I stopped. "How exactly am I going to get home?" The two looked at me then at each other. "The hatter." They both said. I knew they meant the mad hatter and I was a bit concerned if they were friends with a mad person. Aylia noticing my worry put a hand on my shoulder. "He's nice trust us he knows a lot of things and isn't as mad as he might seem." Ace nodded in agreement and pulled me along with them as Aylia followed making sure in her words "didn't disappear on her" but I can't disappear. After what feels like hours and a lot of weird walking from the rook we make it to a crossroads with a bunch of signs. I looked at a few signs on a tree. "Don't step on the mome rats" I looked down and was greeted with small furry creatures. "Huh." "Phillip this way" Aylia called over to me and I walked over to her and we followed Ace to a small house. There was a huge table covered in tea cups with two people at the end of it. Ace and Aylia walked towards them and I just followed them. The two people were exchanging riddles. "Hey Evan, we need some help here."

(693 words)

Not so wonderful wonderlandحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن