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"I thought this place wasn't real just some stories my aunt made up to keep me entertained" I stared at her with disbelief. "Well what do you think now kid" she walked over to me a bored look in her eyes. "I think I'm going mad." "Well almost everyone here is a little mad kid now shall we continue?" I nodded and we continued forward.....

 After what seemed like hours we made it to a giant chess board with castles on either side of it. The rook stepped onto the board then turned around and offered a hand to me which I gladly took. "Is this where you live?" The rook nodded and started to move towards the castle I huried after her. "Do you have a name?" She asked and I realized that we never properly introduced ourselves I looked at her seeing one of the most serious faces I had ever seen in my life. "Phillip my name is Phillip." She glanced over at me and nodded then went back to staring straight  forward. "What about you do you have a name I don't want to continue calling you rook." I asked in return she stopped in her tracks and she looked at me with a small frown on her face. "I will answer to rook we don't do names around here only roles." "Can I still have your name so I know what to call you outside of here?" She shook her head for an answer then grabbed my arm and started walking again. We walked in silence for a good bit until we reached a castle that was made of glimmering black marble. I looked at it in awe as we reached the gates, outside stood two guards or as the rook would call them knights. As we approched them they crossed their spears across the gates so we couldn't get in. "Rook who is this?" One of them said their form was stiff as the dark armor let them bake in the day's sun. "He is a friend may we go in now knight, or do you expect us to stay in this heat and keep her majesty waiting?" She snapped back her voice lanced with annoience and unamusment. The guards stood there as if they were unable to move but after a bit they moved their spears and opened the gates for us. The rook smiled and strode into the castle gates. I gave one last glance at the guards and quickly followed her. She was quick and nimble on her feet as if she was running from something. Even if she was quick she had a graceful walk but when you looked at her face all you could see was the worry and frustration woven in her blue eyes. "Are you ok Rook?" She didn't answer right away but she looked at me and her face softened a bit. She continued onward we wove through the hallways of the place until we came to a door. "Phillip before we enter here are the rules of this place, one you don't speak unless spoken to, two I will do most of the talking so don't be snarky, three you will be addressed as a pawn answer to that name, Phillip is now a name for outside the castle don't answer to that name , four only move forward you are pawn act like it. ok?" She asked the tone of her voice cold I only nodded a bit scared of what I've gotten into. "Good lets go pawn her majesty awaits." The doors opened and the rook and I walked in.

(607 words)

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