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"Phillip before we enter here are the rules of this place, one you don't speak unless spoken to, two I will do most of the talking so don't be snarky, three you will be addressed as a pawn answer to that name, Phillip is now a name for outside the castle don't answer to that name , four only move forward you are pawn act like it. ok?" She asked the tone of her voice cold I only nodded a bit scared of what I've gotten into. "Good lets go pawn her majesty awaits." The doors opened and the rook and I walked in....

The room was huge as I looked around and I saw two thrones one was empty and the other had a rather tall woman in it. The rook bowed once we got to the thrones she kicked me in the leg and I too bowed in front of the queen. "Rook who is this you have brought me." "Well your majesty this boy here has gotten lost and I thought that you would allow me to help him find his way out so he isn't on your side of the-" The queen let out a small laugh it was sounded like an out of tune note. "Were you about to say my side of the board Rook there is their kingdom and my kingdom no sides of the boards nothing got it." She nearly yelled at the rook and all she did was nod and say a quiet apology. "But I guess that this pawn shall not be useful to my kingdom, yes take him away from here and don't come back until your rid of him got it Rook?" The queen glared at me and at the girl but she didn't mind she just bowed and said, "Yes your majesty" before grabbing my hand and quickly walking away. Once we were out of ear shot I turned to the rook. "You shouldn't let her step all over you like that it was cruel." She looked at her feet. "She is my queen I have to do what she tells me to do and when you're a king you can rule over your kingdom however you want Phillip." She snapped back at me picking up her pace and soon I lost her. Not knowing where to start I thought of where I could find her and i emedetly thought of the forest so that's where i went first. I got further and further into the forest but I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched constintly. I stopped and looked around and I decided that I was lost. "You know walking in circles won't do if you're trying to get somewhere." A voice said i looked around but couldn't find anyone but when i faced forward again there was a person in front of me. They were wearing a blue and pink striped hoodie with cat ears on the hood. Tattered black leggings and bright purple shoes. Their tan skin complemented their multicolored hair and yellow eyes, but they wore a big grin that was almost unsettling to look at. They tilted their head a bit. "So why are you going in circles?" They asked. "I'm looking for a friend but I don't think I need your help." They nodded to my answer then slowly started to disappear then they were gone the only thing left was the terrifying grin but soon that disappeared too. I kept walking and hearing laughs as I went and finally I found a sign "Aylia 2 Miles" it said. "Perfect a town."

(601 words)

Not so wonderful wonderlandOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant