"No No NO"

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Once again waking by the sound of her alarm. She dragged herself out of bed sighing heavily. Putting on her robes and heading to the dining hall for breakfast meeting with Hermione and the rest of the gang talking about random stuff. Once they got there they couldn't sit together due to the different houses. 

she sat down and began eating. A few moments later Draco and his posse walked in laughing as usual. Hannah rolled her eyes and continued eating. He sat next to her smirking at her like an idiot of course she wasn't paying attention. He nudged her arm with his elbow making her turn to look at him. "You remember last night right?" He asked smirking. "I don't know what you're talking about" "Maybe this will jog your memory." he began copying her moaning in a low whisper.

Crab and Goyle laughed. "Y-you told them?" She whispered trying not to cry. He just smirked without saying a word. She began to full on cry "I-I need to get to class" She ran out of the room crying when she bumped into someone. "I-I'm sorry I-" She looked up to find None other than professor Snape. "Excuse me professor. I'm sorry I wasn't paying any attention"  She got up wiping off her outfit. "Whatever is the matter miss Fawn?" he looked down at her with his tall self. "Me and Draco- I-I mean I- Uhh" He hitched an eyebrow. "I have to get to my first class" She walked past him wiping her face.

Her first class was her charms class which wasn't boring but wasn't as interesting as potions or defense against the dark arts which she LOVED. Next was potions which she dreaded all day. She couldn't deal with seeing Snape again after last night and this morning. Sitting in potions class was awkward for her which Snape knew from reading her mind. (Oh my god what is happening right now? I can't even look at him.) "TODAY we are working on Amortentia which iss..... Miss Fawn." She jumped "Um Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the entire world. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker. It is said that if you smell it it will smell like the person you are in love with. For example I smell" She leaned in causing Snape to raise an eyebrow. "I smell bitterness, apples, and old shoes..." She trailed off backing up and looking away.

"Whoever makes it correctly will receive 100 house points." After a second he spoke again "Get working" everyone raced to get the correct ingredients. After about 15 minuets Hannah finished. She looked around trying to see if she was the only one finished. She noticed Hermione was almost done. She raised her hand signaling him she was done. He leaned in smelling it "Surprisingly goo miss Fawn. 10 points to Slytherin." he walked to smell Hermione's. Hermione also got it correct along with Draco and a few other people.

Her next class was defense against the dark arts which she was super exited for. "So I heard you smelled Snape AND Draco in your potion?" Ron said running up behind her "OH shut it Ron" Hermione rolled her eyes before walking into the class room. 

"Ladies and gentlemen this is a Boggart was an amortal shape-shifting non-being that took on the form of its observer's worst fear."  After explaining people went up and saw their fear get turned into a clown or a professor in grandma clothes. Once it was her turn she went up and was very nervous. It looked at her for a minute before changing from Draco and Snape for a few seconds. It landed on Draco making him laugh. "Aww are you scared of me little Mud-blood" he chuckled. She couldn't find the words to say so she just ran out crying.

After that she went missing for about 3 days. "Hey. Still no word from Hannah?" Draco sounded worried. "Wouldn't you like to know." Hermione angrily stomped away. Suddenly Hannah appeared one day without a word. She ignored him most of the day even when he went out of his way to be annoying. 

Finally after he had enough while she was walking down the halls when he grabbed her arm and pulled her into a empty classroom. "Why did you vanish. i was getting wor_"  "YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIE TO ME DRACO! I know you don't care about me you're just being cruel." "Why have you been ignoring me Hannah?" "Because you caused my heart to bleed and.. you still owe me a reason cause I can't figure out why". Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. she pulled her arm away before walking away. Draco watched her walk away feeling slightly hurt by her words. He didn't know why but he wanted her to still have feelings for him. Could it be possible that he didn't actually hate her? Did he actually have different feelings for her that he didn't know about? Or did he just hide them until now?

"Filthy Mudblood" Draco x HannahWhere stories live. Discover now