Chapter 1: Coffee Shops

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Life can be pretty strange, can't it?

One moment you're sitting in a lecture, engrossed in discussions of symbolism and the downfalls of society and the next you're forced to throw it all away for a full time job because your mum's been thrown in jail. Who else is going to send your little brother to school, right?

Or maybe that's just me.

I was over it now, the memories of sitting in study classes and lectures all seemed like a distant memory. Now the only thing that seemed real was the burning hot coffee bubbling in front of me, its steam sliding over my face.

"Aren't you just so excited that it's only about six weeks until summer - no more lectures to attend!" I turned and faced the girl standing at the counter beside me and raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to catch on. "I know you never have any lectures to attend but I do, couldn't you at least be happy for me?" She winked.

I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Sure thing Margot, the excitement will just pour out of me!" I held up the kettle that I was currently pouring into the mug. She looked at it and then back at me with a frown while I giggled to myself.

"That was a horrible pun, I expect better from you." I choked on my laughter as I picked up the plate next to me with a yellow condiment on it.

"Sorry, you expect butter from me?" This time she laughed along with me and I had to put down the mug I was holding to catch my breath. "You have to admit that was a good one."

"Puns don't pay you Liana, I do!" I turned and smiled guiltily at my boss who walked past me with a chuckle. "Make sure you're actually serving customers!" He shouted as he walked into the back and a shocked sound, escaped from me.

"Serve customers? What do you think I am William, a waitress?" I shouted. He rolled his eyes before giving me a pointed look and I sighed, "Yeah, yeah, serving, serving." I assured him and he continued to the back, closing the door behind him. "Sorry Margot, I actually have to go and make money now." I sighed.

"Well you better because you eat all the food in the flat so you have to pay for it!" She teased standing up and I gaped at her.

"I do not eat all the food! I cook for you!" I complained and she gave me a flat look while handing over the money for the coffee.

"Oh, no sorry, its the elves that come in the night." She stated, starting to walk away as I fumed after her.

"Hey, well maybe if you didn't summon them with your midnight binging they wouldn't come!" I argued.

She flipped me off while leaving through the door. I turned and started walking towards a table with dirty plates and stacked them on the tray I was carrying. "I eat all the food she says, me! Well little Miss Midnight, I will be calling you out the next time you creep across the corridor to retrieve the tub of icing that sits in the top cupboard." I turned and walked back to the counter, placing the tray behind me. "Hey Garth, I've got more trays for you!" I called and the little redhead popped his head through the doorway with a glare.

"Whoopie." That's all he said before disappearing and I coughed, waiting for him to return.

After a few seconds he didn't and so I cleared my throat. "What?" He asked, reappearing.

I looked pointedly at the dirty dishes. "Oh for god sake, okay,I'll take them now. Jesus, you're so bossy!" He muttered, grabbing the stacks and transporting them to the back.

"Thank you, Garth!" I sang sweetly and he scoffed before turning and vanishing again. I turned and saw a familiar girl standing with a smile and I quickly apologized, "Hi there, sorry about that, what can I get you?"

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