Chapter 10 - Support

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Everyone has those times where no matter how many times they try and how hard they attempt to achieve something - it doesn't happen. Whether it's something that annoys them or something that they want to succeed in, there's always something that will continue to go back to the way it was, and there was nothing they could do to prevent it. Just like trying to make two positive ends of a magnet stick together - the final resolution will always be that one goes against the pressure and turns back so it achieves stability, it refuses to change.

This was one of those times.

"Liana i'm serious, i'm not trying on that blazer."

As far as my little brother Joey goes - he never changed. From the age of four, all he would wear was comic tees, baggy jeans and sneakers - although he sometimes gave in to the occasional shorts if the weather demanded it, otherwise he looked like something off of a children's TV show, no matter how much my mother, and before that my father, tried to persuade him to wear a suit to an event or try a dress shirt for a meal, they couldn't change the mountain of determination that he had placed as a shield to conformity.

"Joey, just try it on you'll look amazing."

"Every time I visit you make me buy new clothes. Every time." I'd already tried to persuade him with food, movies and video games but none of it had worked.

"Well that's because you need new clothes!"

"I don't! And i'm not paying for this!"

"No I know that, Margot is! And she'll be really upset if you don't accept them."

"...Oh for god sake!"

I groaned and flopped back against the seat I was currently sitting on, waiting for Joey to come out of the changing rooms.

"He finally trying it on?" Margot chuckled, entering the room with a huff and I nodded with a sigh.

"Thank you for paying for this by the way."

"My dad doesn't even keep track of how much he sends me, my bank account literally builds up with money every month - I'll just donate it to a good cause." She joked and I almost chuckled but a growl stopped me.

"I heard that and I am not a good cause! My dress sense is fine!" Joey grumbled from behind the door and Margot and I both rolled our eyes. He was so stubborn.

"Joey, I love you and I would never ask you to change who you are... but you need clothes that are grown up." 

"You've had that shirt since High school and like you said you're growing so you need new clothes. End of." Margot shouted.

"Right fine, i'm coming out." I immediately sprang up and clapped my hands together waiting for him to come out and Margot stood beside me doing the same. I was almost tempted to grab her hand and squeeze it, this moment was so intense - like one of those reveals from a home make-over program.

I could almost feel the tension as the lock slid over and clearly Margot could too because she bent down and whispered in my ear, "This is like the big reveal on a make over show." 

Sometimes I literally felt like we were two of the same person, our thoughts were totally in sync... or maybe it was a sign that we had no life and spent too much time watching TV.

It could definitely be the latter, come to think of it.

I giggled but gasped when Joey finally showed us the outfit and Margot started clapping in response - he looked amazing. It was hard to imagine Joey as that little boy who cried for three days straight after our dad died when he looked like this - so grown up and mature.

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