Chapter 67 - Severus's Letter

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Harriet and Severus greeted each other with sweet kisses and tender cuddles when they woke the next morning.

While the rest of the Snape household began to stir, Maggie blinked in exhaustion after enduring a sleepless night.

Her Hogwarts letter lay in scraps, yet her concern had not been eliminated.

As she listened to her father's low voice echo down the hallway, complimented by the kindness  in her mother's gentle tone as they made their way down to the kitchen, Maggie drew a deep breath.

She had heard the story of Harriet receiving her letter, or letters, at least a hundred times.

Maggie pondered the nauseating notion that the destruction of her letter may possibly not prevent another from arriving in its place.

She sat up with a sigh, scooted into her chair, and wheeled over to her desk.


Her father had taught her to take responsibility for her actions.

Maggie would not sit idly by and wait for another dreaded parcel to find its way into her parents' hands.

A frown marred her fair face as she pressed an inked quill to a blank piece of parchment and scrawled the words:

To Whom It May Concern,

I have received your letter and regret to inform you that I am not interested in receiving a magical education at Hogwarts. Please do not attempt to contact me any further. I appreciate your consideration.


Magnolia Snape

Maggie promptly folded her letter into an envelope, sealed it, and sent it off with one of the owls that lingered around the Snapes' property, ready to serve the Minister for Magic.

She didn't understand how much autonomy a child her age lacked, even in the wizarding world.


At breakfast that morning, the Snape family sat around the table together while they shared their meal.

"How's your head, sweetheart?" Harriet asked Maggie.

Severus watched their daughter closely as she swallowed her mouthful and cleared her throat to answer, "Much better, Mum. Thanks."

"You frightened your father and I last night." Harriet went on, "After we had such a brilliant day, we worried you were falling ill."

"Oh, no..." Maggie shook her head, "I think I ate too much cake and it made me a bit tired. Just needed some sleep, that's all."

Maggie spoke too quickly.

She fidgeted as she talked.

Her eyes roamed from Harriet to Severus to Little Sev.

Severus easily recognized the outward signs of poorly hidden anxiety.

What he could not discover though was why his daughter seemed dreadfully nervous during their calm, relaxing family breakfast?

Harriet unknowingly confronted the truth as she spoke, "It's a shame your Hogwarts letter hasn't come yet, love. Don't worry! I'm sure it will be here soon! You lifted your father into the air when you were three, you'll be accepted without question."

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