Kinomoto Chronicles 2

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Kinomoto Chronicles: Bad Timing


Fujitaka Kinomoto and Haruto Nakamura brave an ancient booby-trapped temple in Peru to retrieve a golden gemstone. He is confronted by rival archaeologist Nigel Quinn and his cronies. Surrounded and outnumbered, Fujitaka and Haruto forced to surrender the gemstone to Quinn, but manage to escape aboard a waiting seaplane with their pilot friend, Jon Blackwell.

Two National Police Agency officers later interview Fujitaka at Towa University, where he holds a teaching position, and inform him that Quinn has built a private militia, called Terrajen, and is searching for Lincoln Atwood, a fellow archaeologist. Terrajen knows that Atwood is the leading expert on the ancient city of Tenibar in Egypt, and that he possesses the headpiece of an ancient Egyptian artifact known as "the Staff of Senusret". Fujitaka deduces that Terrajen is searching for the Box of Discord, believing it will grant their armies invincibility. The officers authorize Fujitaka, along with a visiting Touya and Yukito, to recover the Box. The Star Alliance, overhearing the interview while also visiting, decide to follow, much to the officers' dismay.

They travel to Nepal to discover that Atwood has died from lung cancer and the headpiece is in the possession of Douglas Burke, a young British detective sent by the Metropolitan Police Service to carry out the research. The heroes visit Douglas at his tavern before a group of thugs arrive with their Terrajen commander, Malcolm Tolidge, seeking the headpiece. A gunfight erupts, the bar is set ablaze and the headpiece lands in the flames. Tolidge severely burns his hand trying to retrieve it and flees the bar in agony. After the fire clears, the heroes escape with the burnt headpiece, and Douglas decides to accompany the heroes in their search.

The group travels to Cairo, where they meet up with Stanley Darwin and Omar Najm, two old friends of Fujitaka and skilled diggers. He informs them that Terrajen is digging for "the Well of Souls", believed to lead to the Box's location, with a replica of the headpiece created from the scar on Tolidge's hand. They realize the Terrajen headpiece is incomplete and that Terrajen is digging in the wrong place. After a confrontation with Quinn in a local bar, Sakura and the adults infiltrate the Terrajen dig site; they find Douglas and the other kids bound and gagged in a tent, but they don't set them free yet in fear of alerting the Nazis and promise to come back for them later. Sakura uses her wand to guide the adults to locate the Box in the snake-infested Well of Souls. Quinn, Tolidge, and Terrajen officer Dieter Weischenk arrive and seize the Box from the adults, before imprisoning them, along with Douglas and the Star Alliance, in the crypt. However, the heroes escape and head to a local airstrip, where Syaoran inadvertently gets into a fistfight with a hulking mechanic and destroys the flying wing that was to transport the Box to Washington DC. The panicked Terrajen load the Box onto a truck, so that they can transport it by water, but the Kinomoto Family manages to catch up on horseback, hijack the truck, and make arrangements to transport the Box to London aboard tramp steamer ''The Cross Wind''. In the cargo hold, an unseen force burns the Terrajen symbols painted on the wooden crate containing the Box.

The next day, a Terrajen U-boat intercepts the ship. Quinn, Tolidge, and Weischenk seize the Box, along with Touya, Yukito, and Douglas, but cannot locate Fujitaka and the Star Alliance, who were stowing away aboard the U-boat and travel with them to an island in the Aegean Sea. Once there, Quinn plans to test the power of the Box before presenting it to an unknown ally. Fujitaka and the Star Alliance reveal themselves and threaten to destroy the Box with Syaoran's Fire Jufu, but Quinn pulls out a special whip that he got from the unknown ally, and binds them.

Terrajen takes the heroes to an area where the Box will be opened and tie them to a post to observe. Dressed as an Israeli high priest, Quinn performs a ceremonial opening of the Ark by invoking a standard Sabbath prayer, and finds a swirling vortex inside. As Fujitaka warns the other to keep their eyes shut, spirits emerge from the Box, eventually revealing themselves to be angels of death. White flames then form above the opened Box and purple bolts of energy shoot through the gathered Terrajen soldiers, killing them all. In the extreme heat, Weinschenk's head shrivels up; all the flesh on Tolidge's face melts off his skull; and Quinn's head explodes. Flames then engulf and vaporize the remains of the doomed assembly, save for the heroes, who miraculously cut themselves free, in a whirlwind of fire before the Box seals itself shut. The heroes open their eyes and find the area wiped clean, except for the whip.

Back in Tokyo, the agents inform the Kinomoto Family that the Box will be placed somewhere safe and will be studied and monitored by "top men". It is then shown being sealed in a wooden crate and stored in a giant government warehouse among countless other crates. The movie ends with the Kinomoto Family leaving the said warehouse, with Touya examining the whip and wondering about the unknown ally.

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