The Red Mansion

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Inspired by a Minecraft Map called The L'Brour Mansion


Sakura and the Star Alliance are invited to the Red Mansion, an estate currently owned by the D'Lite Family, a family of nobles originally from New Brunswick. Arriving at the mansion, the Star Alliance, along with Fujitaka and Sonomi, meet with Ron D'Lite, the oldest son of the family, who tells them about the mansion's backstory:

About a year ago, Ron's grandfather, Gronley, passed away, leaving Alban, Ron's father, to inherit the mansion while Ron's distant aunt inherited most of Gronley's money. At that time, Ron was away at college. His previous visit to the mansion was when he was 7 years old. At that time, Gronley's actions disturbed Ron. He would bar the windows and lock the doors, acting like something was after him.

Alban had heard about the Star Alliance's adventure in Sentryville, which made them semi-popular in their hometown, and invited them and Ron to help with renovations. However, things become odd for them, when they notice that the house is empty. Believing that everyone is just sleeping, Ron guides the Alliance to the guest room, which is the only room he remembers. Ron goes around the mansion to sketch out a layout map, but Sakura tags along to help him cover more ground. Scouring the mansion, they find only the old, dilapidated journals of the D'Lite Family. Aside from Ron, Gronley, and Alban's, there are also journals belonging to Ellen, Ron's mother; Erica, Ron's younger sister; and Alric & Ulric, Ron's younger, sci-if-loving twin brothers. Each of the journals show different stories between the family, some of which show their differences that have led to conflicts.

Investigating the kitchen, Sakura and Ron find four different buttons on the wall; one made of diamond, one made of gold, one made of iron, and one made of copper. Ron then realizes that the materials are references to certain objects in the mansion: Ellen's first diamond ring, which she hated; Alric's gold second place trophy, which he had won at an International Science Fair; the gardener's third shovel, which he had received after his first two broke; and one of Gronley's ancient copper coins, which was the fourth coin he collected. Pressing the buttons in the number order, Sakura and Ron find a hidden passage in the kitchen, unknowingly waking up the others. Following the passage, Sakura and Ron find a hidden library, which leads back to one of the hallways, where they find the others, who were wondering about what the two were doing. The two then find a hidden staircase in the hidden library, but are unable to go up due to the stairs being blocked.

The group decides to head back to the guest room, where they find a hidden letter written by Erica, warning them not to stay in the guest room, and to not look at the paintings. They decide to take the paintings down, revealing three different passageways. Going through one of them, they find a disturbing hidden room, which happens to be connected to Erica's room, but Erica is nowhere to be found.

Back in the hallways, they notice that Alric and Ulric are gone as well, but they find a ripped journal page that mentions a painting in a closet. They soon discover that it was Erica's, where they also find Gronley's first ancient coin.

In the mansion's library, they find another secret passage, which leads to a hidden room with a disturbing painting. They then find another one leading the dining hall, where they find the letter that Ron sent to his mother about visiting. Tomoyo and Eriol notice a broken staircase, where they find a much older letter by Gronley, which was meant for his late wife, Helen.

Checking the mansion's higher levels, the group finds a puzzle involving a collection of clocks. Solving it, they find the third ancient coin. They then find a room with another puzzle involving a giant mirror that doesn't show their reflection. Solving it, they find what appears to be a passage, which leads to a mirrored version of the room, revealing that the "mirror" is just a window. Kai begins to think the puzzles might have no meaning at all, but Chiharu assures him to not jump to conclusions.

In the attic, the group finds another puzzle involving the ancient coins, but they couldn't complete it without the second ancient coin. So, Takashi and Rika search the mansion for it. Outside, the two kids notice a locked basement door, and decide to enter it through the dining hall. Entering the basement, the two find a broken oven, where they find the second ancient coin lodged in the grill. Heading back to the attic, Takashi and Rika use the remaining coin to solve the puzzle, which opens a door leading to a hallway featuring copies of the disturbing paintings. At the end of the hallway is another door leading to another hidden library in the attic, where they find a key for the basement, which confuses Takashi as he and Rika had found the basement unlocked, but Rika reminds him about the outside door.

Unlocking the outside basement door, the group is met with a chilling temperature as they enter an undiscovered part of the basement, which appears to be an underground casino. Sakura and Ron discover a hole in the wall, prompting Syaoran to rip it open and reveal a tunnel. Following it, the group finds a large open area, which leads back to the mansion. Fujitaka and Sonomi then find a hidden lab at the ground level and a mirrored look-alike, which looks more abandoned. They then find a key in one of the drawers.

Following a tunnel on one of the higher ledges, the group finds a huge experiment chamber, where they find a disturbing sight: Gronley is revealed to be alive, having cheated death by enlarging an empty copy of his brain, placing it in a special containment pod, and transferring his mind into it, where he eventually mutated into a plant monster, claiming to be immortal wanting to control nature and enslave the human race. This leads to a climactic battle between the kids and Gronley, who easily overwhelms them, before going after Fujitaka and Sonomi. Acting fast, Ron uses a nearby computer to weaken Gronley, giving the kids time to fight back. The pod begins to fall apart, prompting Gronley to have a change of heart by telling the group to flee, which they do. They then discover a frigidarium, where they find the rest of the D'Lite Family stuck in smaller pods.

After fleeing the lab, the family thanks the Star Alliance for saving them, rewarding them with a collection of novels of urban legends and other myths. The movie ends with the Star Alliance's departure from the mansion.


A/N: No, it's not the Ron D'Lite from Ace Attorney.

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