Kinomoto Chronicles 3

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Kinomoto Chronicles: The Golden Goblet


The movie starts with a young Touya horseback riding with a group of classmates. While scouting caves, Touya and fellow classmates Katashi and Itsuki discover a group of grave robbers who have found a golden crucifix and steal it from them, hoping to donate it to a museum. While Itsuki goes searching for the police, the men give chase to Touya and Katashi through a passing circus train, resulting in the duo escaping back to the Kinomoto house, where Fujitaka is working on a recent discovering, and a young Haruto is playing with a young Sakura. Itsuki comes back with a local officer, but the officer makes him return the cross to the robbers, who reveal themselves to be licensed treasure hunters and immediately turn it over to a museum curator. Impressed with Touya's bravery, the leader, Shirosaki, gives the Kinomoto Family his locket to encourage them to not give up.

Years later, the family, remembering Shirosaki's advice, battles Cooper Whitehall, a shady collection owner, and his henchmen, who have stolen the crucifix a few years after it was donated, on a ship off the storm-blasted coast of Estado Novo, Portugal, and escaping overboard just before the ship explodes, they recover the crucifix and give it back to the same museum. Later, Fujitaka, Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Chiharu, Takashi, Rika, Kai, and Sonomi are introduced to Willard Sullivan, who informs him that Eriol has vanished while searching for the Golden Goblet under Kaho Mizuki's orders, using an incomplete inscription from a stone tablet as his guide. The heroes receive a Goblet journal via mail from Venice, and head there with Touya, Yukito, Nakaru, and Douglas in tow, where they meet Kaho's colleague, Dr. Chester Yang. Beneath the library where Eriol was last seen, Fujitaka, Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Touya, Douglas, and Yang discover a set of half-flooded catacombs that house the tomb of a First Crusade knight, which contains a complete version of the inscription that Eriol had used, revealing the location of the Goblet. They flee when the petroleum-saturated waters of the catacombs are set aflame by the Vermillion Sword Brotherhood, a secret society that protects the Goblet from evildoers. The capture one of the Brotherhood, Sahim, who tells them where Eriol is being held after Sakura explains that their only goal is to find Eriol, not the Goblet. Yukito reveals a map drawn by Eriol of the route to the Goblet, which begins in Alanetta. Fujitaka removes the map from the diary, gives it to Douglas for safekeeping, and sends him and half of the team to Isladun, the city built on the ruins of Alanetta, to rendezvous with Stanley and Omar.

Fujitaka, Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Sonomi, and Yang head to an Imporian-controlled castle in Austria where Eriol is being held. They find Eriol, but Yang, with the help of Hadziev, an Impor Army colonel, betrays them, revealing himself as Tao Bing of the Purple Snakes, who takes them to Jianhong, who reveals himself to be an ex-ally of Sullivan and the unknown ally of Nigel Quinn. They reveal that they captured Eriol to find the Goblet for them due to the legend saying that the Goblet gives eternal life to those drink from it.

Meanwhile, in Yahtia, Chiharu, Takashi, Rika, Kai, Touya, Yukito, Nakuru, and Douglas meet with Stanley, Omar, and a group of fellow diggers, but they're discovered by a group of Impor spies. Touya, Yukito, Rika, Kai, Stanley, and Omar escape on foot, while Chiharu, Takashi, Nakuru, and Douglas escape in a hidden vehicle with the other diggers, but are captured later on in an ambush, with the other diggers getting killed while trying to fight back.

After escaping from the castle, with the help of a defective Imporian analyst, who escapes through a separate route, the group recuperates at an intersection. Eriol and Syaoran argue about whether to retrieve the journal or go to the others, until Eriol explains that the Goblet is guarded by three traps and his journal contains the clues needed to pass them safely. A reluctant Fujitaka recovers the journal from Tao at a book burning rally in Enkyo, briefly coming face-to-face with the Imporian Premier. They board a Zeppelin to leave Impor, but Army Intelligence agents discover them are aboard. The heroes escape in a parasite biplane, and crash while engaging in a dogfight with Vuzdushni Sili fighters.

The heroes meet up with Touya, Yukito, Rika, Kai, Stanley, and Omar in Yahtia, where they learn of the abduction of Chiharu, Takashi, Nakuru, and Douglas. The Purple Snake and the Imporians have been equipped by the Sultan of Yahtia and are already moving toward the Goblet's location, using the map possessed by Douglas. The heroes find the expedition, which is ambushed by the Brotherhood, who defend the Goblet as usual and plan on rescuing the hostages. During the battle, Eriol and the Daidouji Family are captured by Hadziev while attempting to rescue Chiharu, Takashi, Nakuru, and Douglas from "The Steel Beast", a huge tank that the Imporians are using; Sahim and some of his comrades are killed, while the rest escape. Learning of their capture, the other heroes pursue the tank on horseback and, with the aid of Stanley and Omar, save Eriol, the Daidouji Family, Chiharu, Takashi, Nakuru, and Douglas. Touya is caught up in a fight with Hadziev, and barely escapes before the tank goes over a cliff, sending Hadziev to his (dramatic) death.

The heroes catch up with the Purple Snakes and the surviving Imporians, led by Jianhong and Tao, who have found the temple where the Golden Goblet is kept, but are unable to get past the three protective traps. After getting stuck in a Mexican standoff, the heroes encounter the two leaders. To ensure the Kinomoto Family risks their lives in the traps to find the Goblet, Jianhong shoots and mortally wounds Takashi in cold blood, much to everyone's surprise, including Tao. Jianhong mentions that the Goblet has healing powers, which could be used to save Takashi. Using the information in the diary, and followed by Jianhong, Tao, and a third Purple Snake, the Kinomoto Family safely overcome the traps (involving a saw blades, letter tiles, and a huge gap (with a hidden bridge)) and reach the Goblet's chamber, which is guarded by Sir Robert, a very old knight, who leads the Brotherhood. He has been kept alive for 700 years by the power of the Goblet, which is hidden among dozens of false goblets; only the true Goblet grants eternal life, while a false one will kill the drinker. The third Snake selects a dark gold chalice in the chamber to try, but rapidly ages into dust after drinking from it, proving it to be false. Touya picks a small tarnished gold cup, and Sir Robert tells him that he has "chosen wisely," proving it to be the right one but warns that the Golden Goblet cannot be taken beyond the temple's entrance, in accordance with the Law of God.

Sakura fills the Goblet with holy water and gives it to Takashi, healing him instantly. The Imporians run away in surprise, while Douglas and the adults arrest the Purple Snakes. Jianhong, completely amazed by the Goblet's discovery, inadvertently disregards Sir Robert's warning, causing the temple to collapse around them. When the Goblet falls into a chasm in the floor, Jianhong plummets to his death trying to recover it, due to him being unable to let go of his obsession with it. Tao, managing to grab the Goblet, nearly suffers the same fate before Fujitaka urges him to leave it with Sir Robert. Having a change of heart, Tao gives the Golden Goblet back to Sir Robert, who waves to them goodbye as he plummets to his death.

Tao decides to right the many wrongdoings that the Purple Snakes have caused, but Stanley persuades him and the Purple Snakes to come with them to do so. The movie ends with the heroes and the Purple Snakes riding off into the sunset.

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