Return Of The White Eyes

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Inspired by a Minecraft adventure map called Herobrine's Return


As a matter of fact, this is a CCS adaptation of said adventure map


While recuperating from their cruise ship fiasco, the Star Alliance are startled by a visiting Victor, who warns them about Herobrine returning, prompting them to venture out to confront him. They notice him attacking Downtown, but are unable to stop him from destroying a few buildings. He then leaves, allowing the people to fix things up. The kids decide to visit a church, where they talk to the church's priest, Alern, who tells them about Maltorn, a necromancer under Herobrine's command, taking over a distant lone graveyard.

The kids visit the graveyard, where they find Maltorn using an altar to start a ritual. Maltorn unleashes a monster army to stop them, but the kids slay them and put three of their hearts into the altar to stop the ritual, prompting Maltorn to fight them himself. During the battle, a strange humanoid appears and helps them open a Nether Realm portal, allowing the kids to push Maltorn into it. The humanoid introduces himself as Archangel Albright, who had travelled to Earth to help the kids stop Herobrine.

The kids enter the graveyard's crypt, where they find a giant skull named Skeletor, who begins to attack them. Chiharu realizes that Skeletor's eyes are his weak spots, prompting her to shoot them with her bow, but there happens to be little effect. Albright tells the kids to enter Skeletor and break a block holding Skeletor's soul, which they do to defeat it.

Returning to Sakura's house, the kids notice something happening in the mountains, prompting them to travel there, along with Fujitaka, Touya, Yukito, and Sonomi. During the journey, they help a farmer named Reese by defeating some of Herobrine's monsters to provide food for a nearby village. Afterwards, they reach the mountains where they find Herobrine's corruption leaking into Earth. They then find an unguarded Nether Realm portal, believing that Herobrine is wanting them to come to the Nether Realm. Seeing no other choice, they enter the portal.

In the Nether Realm, the Star Alliance searches around for Herobrine by taking on some of his acolytes. They start with Dina Bone, a scientific witch, who unleashes a series of experiments at them, but the kids slay them easily, forcing Dina Bone to retreat back to her laboratory.

Continuing their search for Herobrine, the Star Alliance meet up with Albright aboard his airship, The Savior, but their conversation is interrupted by the crew of a Herobrine airship, The Malevolence, sparking a battle between the two airships. Despite the odds, The Savior destroys The Malevolence, but they don't find Herobrine on it.

Returning to the ground, the Star Alliance come across and team up with an underground group called the Nether Rebellion, who are against Herobrine's tyranny. They then decide to confront Tarov The Warlock, who resides in his tower, looking over the land, and destroying those who oppose Herobrine. They attempt to sneak into the tower, but Tarov captures them, prompting Albright to enter. Albright attempts to save them, but Tarov kills him, prompting the Star Alliance to slay him. Although they succeed in doing that, Tarov revives himself into the Wither Boss that the kids once took on, but the Star Alliance defeats it as well.

Reuniting with the Rebellion, who are equally distraught over Albright's death, the Star Alliance proceed to take on Herobrine's giant guard, Koragar The Lair Keeper. During their battle in the lava ocean, Eriol notices that Koragar's chained arms are his weak spots, prompting Chiharu to shoot them just like she did to Skeletor's eyes, killing Koragar.

Back on the shore, the Star Alliance finds Dina Bone's laboratory, where an invisible Dina Bone reveals that she has captured Victor, who helps the Star Alliance with destroying energy cores. They then kill Dina Bone by trapping her in a gas chamber, before finding a key to free Victor.

While searching Herobrine's castle, the Star Alliance finds an abandoned mineshaft, where a stone guard is guarding a cage filled with children. Takashi distracts the guard, long enough for the others to free the kids, and escape.

After getting far from the guard, the Star Alliance find Herobrine's castle, where he proceeds to attack them, bringing them back to the ocean, where Albright is revealed to have been revived after Tarov's death. During the fight, the Star Alliance collects Demon Souls, and gives them to Albright, who uses them to energize himself to blast Herobrine enough times to weaken him. The battle then spills into the castle's arena, where Herobrine weakens the Star Alliance, but the Rebellion charges into the castle, and helps the Star Alliance defeat Herobrine. The Star Alliance then escapes the crumbling castle with the Rebellion.

Afterwards, the Star Alliance and Victor head back to Earth while the Rebellion takes control of the Nether Realm to prevent any future wars. The movie ends with the Star Alliance celebrating on Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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