1) Dragged To Another World

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*3rd person*

When you first thing of two worlds coming together you think: oh hey the rifts are going to open the dragonslayers are going to get dragged in people are going to try to help them to not get dragged through the rift.

What if that wasn't like the full case of what would happen like what if instead, a calling, something only dragonslayers could hear, happened. However one of the dragonslayers would have to be forced over because of the shared body, and of course then they get into some trouble.

That's exactly what happens. The night fell and all the dragonslayers entered into a trance and went to the city. Mario used the earth to crossed over, Bryan got there by his own means, Colin and Mitch both walked. All of them meeting up in the same spot, they all stood at that spot until the sun rose they couldn't leave yet, not yet, not without the last dragonslayer.

There was also an extra dragonslayer with them. A homeless one that never joined a guild and did his own things on the streets. He's new to Atlantide and a lightning dragonslayer.

Pat took over when the trance started and Allumos hasn't responded to Pat. Pat the next morning came to Micheal with the concern and when he called a guild meeting the two dragonslayers didn't show up.

Michael told Pat to let Allumos have control and when Allumos did take control he immediately went twords the city. Following the dragonslayer the Grimshade guild found everyone, however more importantly, as soon as Allumos got within a certain radius a rift opened.

Michael reacted quickly grabbing everyone with the shadows to prevent them from going through. Dark storm clouds formed overhead as Pat tried to take control again, but somehow couldn't.

Bren contacted the guild leaders and Ritchie was the first over. When he saw the mess he immediately grabbed Mario and tugged at him to pull him away.

It didn't take long for the other guild leaders to get there and try to aid. Some questioned, but at the same time didn't question, the extra person they haven't ever seen before.

The storm got more violent and Michael was starting to lose his grip on some of the dragonslayers, but at the same time some of the dragonslayers came to from their trance.

Bryan grabbed onto Bri's arm scared of what will happen when he gets sucked through the rift. Bri did her best to reassure him that it was going to be ok, that they wouldn't let him go that easily.

That's when the first dragonslayers got pulled through. Bren lost his grip because of the tight pull on Colin, which sent him flying into the lightning dragonslayer and Mitch.

All three even with the shadows gripping them went through the rift and Bryan hugged Bri closer as the pull got stronger on him. Bri wasn't going to let her guild member be taken that easily.

The rift soon started to close, but it wasn't leaving without the rest of the dragonslayers. A force pushed against the guild leaders and Ritchie and Brandon found it hard to keep hold of Mario and that's when it went south.

Three misty hands showed up grabbing Mario and pulled him right off the guild leaders and pulled him into the rift. Mario gave a yell to his guild leaders before he disappeared.
More showed up and grabbed at Michael and grabbed Allumos/Pat dragging them through.

In a desperate attempt to keep at least the last dragonslayer in Atlantide. Everyone grabbed Bryan, but the mist hands grabbed him and yanked him off the guild leaders. Bryan cried out and was pulled through right as the rift closed. His last expression was one of terror and sorrow.

A ball formed and fell and hit the ground. The glass ball was a twisting ball of mist and other elements. Fire raged every now and then, lightning struck, mini mountains formed and collapsed, and swirls of galaxies and purple and black mist swirled around.

Michael walked forward out of the shocked group and picked up the ball and as he did, so did the roars of the dragonslayers sounding through the ball. It was loud enough so that Michael wanted to cover his ears, but the urge to not drop the ball was so great he didn't. When the roars subsided Bri took the ball and looked at it.

"It's the dragonslayers. The magic they hold has become a storm in here." Bri said

"So they didn't turn into a lacrama like we had theorized that the rifts would do." Silver said getting some looks because of the situation.

"No. This rift was different this one wanted the dragonslayers, and it got the dragonslayers." Michael said regaining himself as Bren tried to process everything.

"We have to keep this safe." Bri said holding it close.

"I agree. If that's somehow connected to the dragonslayers keeping it safe is top priority." Ritchie said

"Can that thing even break?" Silver asked

"I mean it didn't break when it fell from where the rift was." Bren said coming to, but he still was feeling some slight guilt of not being about to hold onto Colin.

"I don't want to test it." Brandon said

"Me neither." Bri said as Michael sighed.

"Let's put that somewhere where we know we can find it, but no one else can." Michael said

"The dragon cave." Silver said and everyone looked at him.

"Ok I'm sorry." He said

"Your fine just I think that was all a startling event." Ritchie said

"Ya..." Bri said as tears formed.

"You were close to that dragonslayer." Brandon said

"He was in my guild what do you expect. He was enthusiastic and even though he's young he was willing to try anything new." Bri said

"If I remember correctly Bryan's the youngest dragonslayer." Ritchie said

"Does not help." Bri said

"But who was that extra one?" Michael asked

"No idea, but I have a feeling we have to wait to get our answers." Brandon said

"I'm going back to the guild." Bren said

"Alright, also Bren. Thank you for trying your hardest." Michael said and Bren smiled and nodded.

"We should get going. The city's going to stir soon and we need to keep this hush hush. We may need to tell our guild members, but only ones that are the most responsible." Ritchie said

The guild leaders nodded and went their separate ways. Bri went to the dragon cave and set up a spot and put the ball there. She stared at it and remembered Bryan's last expression before he got sucked in. He looked so scared and clearly didn't want to go. Bri shook her head and told the dragons to watch over the ball as she left.

Yes the missing dragonslayers are going to be a matter to discuss, but figuring out how to get a rift open while also dealing with all the chaos with current events. It's going to be hard to find time that's at least long enough to get a rift opened without being noticed.

So many things and so little time to actually do them all. Hopefully they can hold themselves off for a bit longer. Until they can get to them at least.

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