4) Lightning and Snow

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*Davis's pov*

Ok so I can't get a normal day. I'm aware that I'm a dragon and as much as I would question it, my senses are all over the place so that's what's taking my focus.

I heard a crash of ice and I went over to the sound while getting my sixth sense to adjust. Just as I got outlining available when I saw a dragon struggling to get out of the ice water and I felt a urge I couldn't ignore. I ran over and plumbed my arm into the ice water and grabbed the dragon and pulled them out tossing them over to thicker ice.

Finally color was in my sight, I looked at the water and saw my features. Over my eyes I had my blindfold that went under my horns. Blue scales across my back and lightning patterned chest. The lightning was black while the rest was a tan color.

I broke out of thought and looked over at the other dragon. His crimson red scales steamed as the ice started to melt, but fortunately slowly. I walked over and poked them and they didn't move.

I looked around and then reached over to see if I could pick them up and the scales on their body was warm, but not hot even though water was being evaporated.

I pulled them to proper land and I looked around at the ice lands around me before I heard voices and I grabbed the crimson dragon and pulled them to the nearest cave I found.

Once in there I peaked out to see groups of people some pulling cages other with arrows and others with swords and ropes and other things.

I huffed as I looked back at the other dragon. A part of me said stay with them, but at the same time a part of me said go after those people and see what's going on.

"God damn it. Why can't my senses be my own." I said and I walked out of the cave and stealthily followed the people. Far enough away that I didn't have to deal with them.

Why am even doing this? This hasn't ever been my priority and I don't know why it's now a thing. First I'm hangout out at Betty's house then I'm in the center of Atlantide and next I'm a damn dragon!

I was brought out of my thoughts when a snow storm started to kick in. For protection I dug into the snow and hoped it wouldn't collapse on me.

That's when I watched chaos unfold. Those people got attacked by another dragon, a white ones and then white dragon was being defended by a group of dragons.

I watched then realized that...those were people on dragons. People were riding dragons fighting off other people who had cages while defending what I'm assuming is a wild dragon. From the storm that's being caused it's a snow dragon.

Arrows were shot and one hit the wild dragon making them fall to the ground. Whatever is on that arrow must be strong to instantly work.

Now I wouldn't bring myself into these, in fact I don't even know why I'm watching or have this urge. At this point I blame my changes on what ever the hell that portal looking thing was.

The dragon that got shot was being put in the cage and that ticked me off to no bounds. I stepped out of the snow that I buried myself in and came around the back. I could feel the static around me and now that I'm actually close to the cages I saw I'm like twice as big as them. It's like I could crush them under my foot with some slightly ease.

One of the hunters looked back behind them probably because of the static and screamed and that got everyone's attention.

"What in Thor's name is that!" Someone yelled and I looked at them on their red dragon and the snow dragon's that didn't get caught retreated. The one that was partly in the cage was pulled away by the one that retreated

An arrow flew at me, but because of the static around me it got shocked and broke into splinters it's head falling to the ground.

"The arrow broke before it even got close!" Someone yelled, yes very observant I'm pretty sure everyone can see that.

I growled as an instinct took over and I raised a claw and slammed it it into an empty cage zapping it with lightning and it crashed into the side of some snow pile broken it's door fell off the hinges.

"Hiccup that things huge!" The girl on a blue dragon said

"I can see that!" The boy I'm assuming is hiccup said on his black dragon.

The black dragon roared at me and I understood it. He yelled at me, but I ignored it as more arrows splintered.

I roared at the firing people and then got a blast of fire in the face from a metal dragon. I huffed and inhaled.

"It's about to fire!" Hiccup yelled as he backed up.

My instincts were high in red as I felt the calming burn of my roar crackling in the back of my throat and like that I fired a shock wave blasted from my body as electricity shot out of my mouth scorching the ice and caused a mini avalanche.

I roared as I grabbed the cage with the dragon in it and thought about blinking. Keeping the cage close I remembered the spot I left that red dragon and my body crackled with electrical charges and I opened my four wings taking off from the ground and the electric staticed around me as a storm rose and like that lightning struck me.

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