6) Fire and Lightning Trouble

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*Bryan's pov*

I groaned as I shook my head. I looked around and found that I was in an ice cavern I could hear voices talking, but they were so far from me. They sounded like human voices, but then they left.

I felt body body chilling in an abnormal way and this is unusual because I'm always warm. My fire has always kept me warm even in the coldest of climates and yet why does it feel like I'm about to freeze my ass off.

First I'm falling from the sky in a totally new world second I'm trying to figure out my body while trying not to die of drowning, and lastly someone pulls me out, saving me, and I wake up here.

My body has gone from warm to extremely burning hot to now almost ice cube in your hand cold. I tried to get up by the cold hit me and I sneezed out fire. Clearly that alerted the other dragon in this cave because the next thing I know I'm stareing at a white dragon and a blue dragon.

"Your awake." The blue dragon said walking over to me.

"I mean ya, but why am I so cold." I said sneezing again, but the fire was much smaller.

"Hmm you may have to move the snow island may not be the best for you right now." The white dragon said yes I can some how understand them I just realized that.

"Let's get going." The blue one said

"Ok no. I don't know who you are and I'm not going with a stranger." I said firmly.

"So your going to freeze yourself. Fine your lose." The blue dragon said walking away.

I huffed and lied back down, but my body shivered and even when I blasted my own fire into my hands they felt like.... I was freezing. The blue dragon must have seen this and before  I know it the next thing I know while I'm curled up the other Blue dragon picked me up with ease.

"Why do I feel like this." I said

"I don't know I've never had any problems with snow because I've lived in it before. I have experience with it." The blue dragon said walking until he was standing over a cage?

"By the way the names Davis." The blue dragon or Davis said

"I...I'm Bryan." I said before sneezing, but barely to no flames shot out.

"You can't handle the froze tundra we need to leave." Davis said and I looked at myself and sure enough I had some black spots forming, they were small, but they were there.

"You want me to carry you?" Davis said still holding me

"I can fly myself." I said getting out of his arms, standing up I felt my legs almost collapse on me.

"I can totally see you flying right now." Davis said before he spread his massive four wings and grabbed me holding me and lifted up into the air. Then he suddenly shot into the air very quickly.

I yelped as I latched onto Davis as he flew. His body heat was actually quite comforting. Now that I think of it this feeling reminds me of like the sickness that you get in the winter except that my body temperature drops it's doesn't warm up.

"Hey don't dig your claws in me otherwise I'll drop ya." Davis said as we flew further away from the snow island.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I was about to close my eyes, but movement made me wake up.

"Don't fall asleep. Not until we get to land." Davis said

"Why are you helping me I don't even know you, well besides your name but still." I said

"Ya and I don't know you and yet this urge or instinct to help you won't leave me. I would have ditched you, but here we are." David said as we flew for a long time. I almost feel asleep quite a few times, but Davis kept me awake.

Finally we found land and Davis set me down once we got close enough. I took some steps forward before collapsing. Davis landed next to me and folded his wings and looked around before nudging me.

"Come on let's find a cave." Davis said

"Do you have magic?" I asked as I slowly walked

"I'm a lightning dragonslayer." Davis said

"Your a dragonslayer as well?" I asked

"I am, you?"

"I'm a fire dragonslayer." I said with a smile as we walked a bit more

"Are you in a guild?" I asked

"No. Not interested." Davis said as we neared a cave.

I walked in first and Davis zapped the floor making it hot and I laid on it and sighed in relief.

"Stay here." He said walking out of the cave and took off. I was left alone.

I closed my eyes and rested. However as much as I rested my restless self made it difficult and my body temperature wasn't helping. I was shivering.

After a tong time, I then heard a loud crash and Davis dove into the cave and blasted the outside.

"Hey you have to hid now." He said moving me to a conveniently placed hidden spot in the wall high off the ground and Davis shoved me in it before he came down and he started moving only to get hit by a barge of arrows. I wanted to cry out, but I didn't as people came forward.

Davis was having troubles moving much less getting up. I watched in horror as Davis got chained up. For some reason when they tried removing the bandages it won't come off.

I part of me yelled go help him, but I stopped when he looked at me and weakly growled.

"Don't you dare get caught." He said before he was put on a very big cart and pulled away. He was big compared to me and huge compared to those people.

I don't know how long it's been, but when I finally got enough energy to move I fell. I got up and moved out of the cave. My body wasn't functioning like I wanted it to, but I had to move. When I finally got out and to a cliff edge I watched as a ship sailed away. I could see Davis on the deck.

Guilt hit me hard and I roared in frustration. I looked back at the forest and moved twords it, my senses once highted now slightly dull because of my sickness.

I spread my wings and took off. This was going to be a difficult journey, but I was willing to take it if it meant I knew where Davis was being taken. However the world had other ideas as maybe an hour in I got easily blown away by a storm.

I roared out as I tried to see the ship, but then I got hit into the water. However this time I didn't have the energy to swim up. I sunk into the waters my vision blackened as the waves pulled me under.

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