9) Wrong Dragon To Attack

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*Mario's pov*

I sighed as I looked out at the sea, we had landed and were camping out. Colin was trying to get a fire since neither of us could breath fire I heard something and I felt drawn to it, but it was too far away to tell what it was. Colin then roared in delight as he got a fire and we got to cook our food that we had caught.

In honestly a bit weird being this big compared to Colin. However Colin did bring up a good point of saying. How big would Allumos be? Honestly scary to think about because like he would be so much bigger.

I shook my head as I ate. However as I was getting close to finishing I sensed something. I got up and walked over to the edge and saw ships with cages, but what was strange was that one of the ships had a dragon chained down. It didn't look like it would fit in the normal cages they had. However that's not why I felt something wrong. It was because I felt an odd connection to the chained dragon. Just staring at them made me want to rage at seeing how they were chained.

"Mario?" Colin asked before looking at the dragon and froze.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked as I gave a huffed and glare.

"I'll sneak in and break them out." Colin hissed before walking over to a shadow and disappeared.

I opened my wings and the sound of ground breaking and rocks clattering sounded as I took off and dived straight into one of the ships side coming out the other side. I grabbed and mass and dragged it ashore to make sure any dragon left inside wouldn't drown.

"Dragon!" Someone yelled and they pulled out arrows and fired at me, but all the arrows did was hit, but then fall, they never once penetrated my skin.

"You all are lowly!" I yelled before firing a blast at them all. I'm sure one or two may have died... Maybe three

I looked over and saw Colin killing people before grabbing the chains on the one dragon and broke them. As soon as the last chain broke they got up and a shock wave came off the dragon as static was felt in the air.

People started running for their lives and the dragon blasted lightning at all of them. I backed up and Colin came over to me as the lightning dragon looked at us.

"...let me geuss it was in impulse or urge that made you want to save me?" The dragon asked and I nodded

"Wait how do you know that?" I asked curious, but then it hit me.

"Your a dragonslayer!" I said and Colin looked at me.

"Ya earlier I was with a smaller dragon with red scales. However he wasn't doing to well because we landed in a snow place which doesn't bother me, but seemed to have bad effects on him." The dragon said and I sighed

"Bryan....I'm Mario by the way." I said holding out a claw and the other dragon took it and Colin put his claw on our.

"Davis." He said

"And I'm Colin nice to meet you. What type of magic do you have?" Colin asked and Davis looked at him and we let go.

"Lightning, right right I saw that" Colin breathed looking to the side.

"Anyways that's really cool" Colin beamed and I nodded as I looked at the other dragons crying for help.

"Let get them out I doubt those hunters are coming back." I said as I grabbed cages and tore them open with ease.

"Be careful of the arrows a single on can make you absolutely dysfunctional I let my guard down to make sure to hid your helpless friend." Davis said as Colin opened cages and Davis blasted a ship making a hole straight through it making it sink as dragons got free and flew away.

We heard the thank you of the freed dragons as they left not many wanted to stick around and I don't blame them I mean Colin alone is almost twice as big as one. I'm three times for sure and Davis seems to be slightly bigger then me, but that must mean he's older then me.

"Come on we should leave." I said and then looked twords Davis

"You want to come with us?" I asked and he looked at us and then reluctantly nodded.

"I don't think Bryan will be in the same spot." He said and I nodded and all three of us spread our wings and took off.

*Mitch's pov*

You know it's one thing to start following a scent it's another thing when you actually hear a roar, and not just any roar, a roar that feels so familiar to you that your drawn to it, but is held back by these annoying people.

Let me back up a moment. I landed in a forest to get some rest and there was a human camp out and as soon as these people see me they shoot arrows. So obviously I don't want to get pricked a bunch and I ran, but now I'm at the edge of a cliff when suddenly a roar that to me sounded like "help" sounds.

Growling I look at the people as one shoots at me and hits me in the leg. I feel a drowsy feeling, but then it subsides as I feel the poison in my veins run faster. I looked at them and all looked shocked and I roared at them before slowly creeping forward letting poison drip from my body hissing as it touched the ground.

The people dropped what they had and made a run for it as I inhaled and then shot out poison at them. The liquid hit a lot of them and I watched as they fell to the ground shaking paralyzed before their bodies started to shrivel up and they started turning into skin and bones. I geuss I have multiple types of poison. The insteant death ones and the very slow and painful.

I huffed as I looked in the direction the roar came from and as I got to the edge of the cliff side there was no mistaken it. A massive dragon flying at high speed at the island next to this one.


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