7) Poison

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*Mitch's pov*

I will admit I kinda like my size. Sure it's actually fairly big and sure I could easily stand out, but I recently discovered that I don't just have my poison magic on me. I have some kind of camouflage ability and I can shrink down my size if I want. Smallest being the size of like... like the size of one of those blue dragons with spikes on the tail.

Anyways I'm resting in a forest in a nearby Island. I yawned only to have a small dragon land on my nose. It was like the size of my claw nail seeing as I'm in my full size right now.

It made a small roar before patting my nose and curled up looking to fall asleep. Now usually I would just flick them off not wanting anything to do with them however I just huffed and closed my eyes.

I hadn't realized my body had shifted and turned invisible or camouflaged with the things around me until I heard a voices. Annoying ones. I opened my eyes only to look at two people dressed weirdly pointing at the dragon on my snout. Don't ask me why it's still here I thought it would have woken up already.

"But it's just floating there." One of them said

"I can very much see that Snotlout." The short legged one said.

I snickered and that woke up the dragon on my snout and as soon as it met my eyes it screeched and flew away. Both people looked shocked and I rolled my eyes before getting up my scales shifting back to their normal color, not camouflaged.

"Oh my Thor." Small legs said as he looked scared.

"What kind of dragon is that!" Snotlout yelled and I hated his yelling so I yelled at him to shup up.

"I think your yelling made it worst! Run!" The other one said and both of them started running.

I growled before I started walking into the opposite direction. Can't even stand up to me and a simple roar, god I know people who stood up and got trained by dragons younger then those people. Unless in this world dragons are simply that dangerous, however unlikely compared to us.

I huffed before I looked into the sky. I spread my wings before taking off into the sky. I heard flapping not far from me and I turned to see three people. A girl on one of those blue dragons, snotlout on a red one, and the short legged one on a brown one.

"There that's it!" Snotlout yelled and I got fed up with that so I built up a roar and fired it making all of them get distracted and all of them moved out of the away to avoid the blast.

I camouflaged in with the sky and I watched as they all looked cautious about that. I shook my head before leaving. I don't have time for people on dragons, although it did surprise me. The dragons looked like it was a normal thing. Maybe their training them in dragonslayer magic? No I sense no magic here so why are they letting them ride them.

I was taken out of my thoughts then a scent came to my nose. It smelled familiar so I followed it down into an empty cave. Looking around it was pretty big, there was a make shift camp fire and I walked up to it and sniffed it and I remembered the scent. It's Pat's scent, and then that means the second one here is...Allumos's!

I looked up sniffed the air and then took off. I geuss that's another thing to note. I have extremely good sense of smell to be able to track others. Well regardless I'll find Allumos and Pat if I just follow this. Actually I'm curious how did Pat and Allumos end up in this whole situation.

*Astrid's pov*

The dragon was gone. We had stayed in the air for about 10 minutes but nothing. We grabbed our stuff and immediately went back to dragons edge to find Hiccup, Heather and the twins. When we got back I gave Stormfly something to eat and went to find Hiccup with Snotlout and Fishlegs.

"But did you see the size of that dragon?" Fishlegs said

"Ya it looked bigger then Garf." I said

"Not to mention it's deadly as hell! You saw what happened to the forest it's blast landed in. Dead!" Snotlout said and I rolled my eyes.

We soon got to the club house and we found Hiccup talking to Heather about dragon hunter outposts.

"Hiccup!" I yelled to get his attention.

"Huh? Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, your all back so soon." Hiccup said

"Ya back early with more news." I said and Fishlegs chimes in

"There's another new dragon!" He cried

"Ya we came across another one that is absolutely new to us." I said

"Is blast literally killed the things touched." Snotlout said

"Correction. Poisoned the area it hit." Fishlegs said and I sighed

"Besides the point. There's another new dragon out there." I said

"First the lightning one when we went to find the Snow Wraith, now a poison one in a nearby Island. What's next one shows up on an island with civilization?" Heather asked and I sighed and was about to speak before a terrible terror came flying in and landing right in Snotlout's face.

Hiccup walked over and takes the terrible terror right as the twins come in talking about who knows god what. Hiccup silenced everyone and we all looked at him as he read the note.

"Well Heather, Mala said that a unknown dragon has been seen on the island." Hiccup said and I wanted my jaws to drop off.

"Wow...ok that was unexpected." Heather said

"It also says that the dragon is in a weak state, but lashes out. From what they can observe the dragon is in extremely bad shape. They found it on the beach and it has scales that are turning black." Hiccup said

"That does not sound normal." Fishlegs said

"Ya which means we have to look into it. It seems this dragon won't let anyone near it." Hiccup said

"So we have to head out again?" Snotlout asked

"We'll let the dragons rest for a moment, but yes we'll have to get over there as soon as possible." Hiccup said and we all agreed. Sounds like things are around to get crazy.

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