Lone Claw's pack

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This is my little project.For years I've been coming up with ideas for survival games.Whether it was similar to Ark, survival game where timeholes suck in creatures from after age of dinosaurs where player can find real lost artifacts like the legendary Honjo Masamune sword.Anyways this will be a documentary series about alien or evolved animals I would put in my latest idea.The hardest part was deciding how will the continent look like.

Keep in mind all animals are made up so names will be fake or combination of two latin and old greek ones.





Sun rises over towering rock mass waking it's inhabitants.A pack of Dagurclaws or Allofelis,meaning strange cat yawn loudly while stretching at the dawn.One however was fully wake for a few hours now.Camera zooms in on the darker male overloking his pack members from the highest point of their open den.The reason he was awake before others was his daily early patrol around the territory.His role as an alpha means he has the first pick in mates and eats first.But it is also a great burden of protecting his kin.

Dagurclaws are patriarchal society of feline ambush predators with name depraved from the size of their claws closely resembeling that of a raptor.Males can grew to two meeters in lenght same as females which have smaller shoulder plates and wieght around 68.04 and 54.43 kg (150 and 120 pounds).This wild cat has sabers that aren't real teeth.No,they are actually part of the Dagurclaws skull so they aren't as easy to brake as those of sabertoth.

They come in collors of mostly brown and darker orange.This pack consist of the alpha(Lone claw) his mate(The Huntress)and four or five other females.After maturing the younger males fight for dominance over the pack.If they lose or chose to avoid comflict they venture on to start their own pack.The same thing happened to Lone claw in his youth.Speaking of the brave leader...

He sounds of a thunderous roar to alert the pack it's time for the hunt.Democratical trait of this wild creatures is that they leave one female to guard the younglings and each hunt they swap between each other.After they asigned the duty,the rest of them head out.Tall grass and ocasional thick bushes provide more than enough cover for these hunters.With their large apetite and wide range of territory they must cross they can't aford to go only after old and young.

The pack stops at the boulder field where a herd of Barotherium grazes peacefully.Thick skined quadrapeds with no fur except on the tip of their tail.These hippo sized herbivores have odd horse shaped head with hard plates on their sholders,hips and neck for protection which are common targets of various predators.Pack starts to circle then finding one furthest from the group.Huntress takes other four females with her.Stalking trough grass they cut off the lone Barotherium so it couldn't retreat to the rest of a herd.

Huntress then riseses up to relase a roar alarming the herd.The stampede ran off to the river trying to shake of the hungry predators.Huntress and other females circle the prey as they run.Then from the tall gass leaps out... the Lone claw!He launches himself at the animal's unprotected throat,stabing him and bringing down.As the catch chokes on it's own blood Lone claw digs into the spoils while females wait for him to finish.After he had about a quarter of the animal he lays down a bit further to lick off the blood from the fur while it's still wet.Females now began to eat.

Many observers would consider the hierarchy of Dagurcalws a mixture of lion pride and Eocene North American sabertooth.After the meal only thing left are merou filled bones and a few scraps the leader will eat before his morning patrol.Cubs are still to young to proces anything but milk.Otherwise mothers would regurgitate some of their meal.Upon getting to their home they notice an ominous presence.Smell of death was present and the cubs guarded by the youngest sister of the pack didn't welcome them.

Huntress finds a dead cub butchered and partially eaten.Next they find the youngest sister has been mosty devoured.From the corner two identical males stalk towards them.Those are the twin brothers.Sometimes exiled males form small packs or invade another pack.They killed the Lone claw's offspring because they're used to his scent and will rebel againt the brothers's reign.All three males prepare for fight.

Lone claw and first brother size eachother up before standing on their hind legs and try to claw at eachother.But second brother jumps and grabs Lone claw by his neck tossing him aside.He never had to face two opponents at once.Seeing the odds stacked against him his only choice is to run to fight the other day.Females are to be loyal only to them now.If not it could mean exile from the pack or death.Weeks pass and Lone claw is in trouble.

It's been so long since he was hunting without a pack backing him up.The said pack is now pregnant and large birth will take place any day now.Former leader passes a family of Hippoclaws.A creature with a body type of a calicotherium but furless.They are herbivores but incedebly dangerous.He had some encounters with them when he was younger.They tend not to go far from their watering hole.Their skin is very vulnerable to the sun so they have to get it wet every so often.

Fortunetly for him a small mangoose like mammal called a Screecher is an easy to catch meal.They are prey to mostly all but we'll discuss them later in the series.Now finished his meal Lone claw moves on to the nearest river.He didn't have many obstacles beside dificulty hunting alone but he was still doing better than some jouvinalle males that have got exiled would.Unknown to him the brothers were about to stumble upon the very same group of Hippoclaws he did.

Brothers are alone since the pack is pregnant but they are used to hunting with just two of them.Throwing caution down the wind,led by their empty stomachs they charge forward.Hippoclaws make a protective circle around their young.Now in sitting position they're free to use both of their long arms.Each one as a cricket bat with claws.Brothers are circeling Hippoclaws with hunger in their eyes.Older brother lunges at one of them and hangs on male's neck with his teeth.

Thanks to to the thick skin he is still alive.Male throws him away by pulling on older brother's side leaving a deep wound.Seeing no opprotunity to win this battle younger brother flees for his life.Older one tries to follow but instead limps as ultimatly the blood loss and shattered bones take their toll over this predator.Hippoclawss return to a near watering hole passing by Loneclaw who caught the smell of blood.

As seen at the end of his last group hunt cannibalisam isn't uncommon in Dagurclaw species.So it wasn't problem for Lone claw to dig in his once rival.At the den younger brother returns alone surprising the females but they didn't care fore those two either way.Brother walk up to one pregnant female that was chewing on a bone trying to get to the merou.She growled at his presence to which he returned with his own.He went to pull the bone with his paw witch resulted in argument of roars and other verbal fights.Then out of nowhere a louder roar interupted them.

It was Lone claw.Now covered with older brother's blood and had reagined his strenght.He is now ready to take back his rightfull place.He and younger brother circle each other exchanging ocassional growl here and there.The tension rises like Uwindaji's only mountain.Lone claw attacks first and rams his head into younger brother's side knocking him back.The opponent quickly gets back to his feet and jumps at Lone claw.His attack is countered as Lone claw does the same and the battle turns into an amature wrestling match.

Their efforts to bite at eachother seem futile.As the hope for victory demenishes Lone claw moves his head back and at blinding speed swing his artificial saber into younger brother's shoulder.He pushes the former leader of his pack to limp away.Best thing now would be to treat to wound with his toungue.As for old Lone claw he has now claimed his pack back.Huntress welcomes him with a nuzzling of head to his neck.She tries to lick away the blood on his fur coat.

Months have past and Lone claw is still the alpha of this pack.Though he isn't the only male here.One stray cub climbs aboard his laying form trying to force his father into joining the game.This cub and six others are not his.But as long as they recognise his scent as their father's there won't be a problem until they become jouveniles.

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