Terra turtle

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Terra turtle

Species:Chelóna terra


Type:Armored herbivore



Rarely found alone except for maybe injured previous leader.They're ready to attack anything bigger than them and observe anything else with caution.They won't chase but rather stand their ground.A classic defense tactic is forming a circle around females.Usefull for armor.


Slow but can run fort a short while in emergancy.This reptiles makes for a trusty and capable guard dog.They're very effective as a living shield or wall.

Stacked together,they can work as makeshift stairs.


Claw stab

Tail whip

Special abilities

Grazer-With their comb like teeth they can separate grass from the foreign objects like pebbles or seeds.

Though hide-Their armor cuts most attack damage in half.

Uwindaji survivalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora