Tusked antelope

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Tusked antelope

Species:Tetracera Antilopinae


Type:Timid grazer



Frightful herbivore that uses a tactic of listening and fleeing the predators.Only sign of aggression is when they're cornered or competing with other males.They preffer soft low grass,leaving tougher and higher one for the others.Their tusks,which primarily serve to dig for rooted plants,can be used to "wrestle" or push against one another when competing. Fastest member of it's genus which can be useful for hybrids.


With fairly low strenght,it's almost useless as mount.Their true potential is airing out the ground by pushing their tusks through it.Thus making ground more fertile for seeds.Their other use is ability to breed with others of it's genetic family tree to form hybreeds.As fastest in the genus it would pass of the speed genes



Head butt

Special abilities

Airing land:It will search for rooted plants and pebbles in the ground to air out the infertile land

Charge:Just before it runs out of stamina the animal becomes faster

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