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Species:Oviraptor strigiformes


Type:Egg stealing bird of prey



Notorious thieves with big appetite but the size of a bear.They're stong enough to climb trees and cliffs with their claws to get to the eggs.Their feathers provide a lot of warmth which makes them highly desireable.Able to see in dark and operate by day,they can raid nest most of the day.Threatened of animals it's not familiar with but can be lured to almost anywhere by a trail of eggs.


Thieir feathers work as a natural incubator so it can speed up hatching progress of all and any eggs.They are strong and highly usefull tame,able to climb,fight and forage.They are irrationally afraid of water,possibly because the wet feathers make them heavier and slower.A dangerous predicament.


Claw slash

Slam down

Special abilities

Climb-Able to climb most vertical surfaces

Incubate-Speeds up hatching process

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