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Species:Onyx hippo


Type:Teritorial herbivore



Often found in groups,these semi aquatic mammals have very sensetive skin.Every so often,they have to enter the water to cool themselves off.Sharp claws and long strong limbs make up a deadly arsenal of the Hippoclaw.No one is allowed near the group or offspring.Only time when they split off is a periodic visit to the water.


They require a constantly wet skin which can come as a inconvenience.Best thing do is lead them to water,keep them off sunlight or apply a wet cloth while grooming them like one would a horse.Their long limbs and claws are great at keeping enemies at bay and harvesting materials.


Claw slash

(On land)Slam down

(In water)Bite

Special abilities

Forage-Able to exctract twice as much material than a smaller creature

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