What's wrong with me?

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Adora felt her eyes water, she was exhausted from the first day of school and this interaction didn't help her feel any better. She opened up her phone and checked EtheriaMaps, trying to find out the distance between the school and her home.

'45 minutes by walk?! Woah.' But if there was one thing Adora hated, was waiting patiently for the bus to come, so she decided to walk.

The walk wasn't as bad as she thought, Adora even managed to take a couple of Instagramable pictures of the sunset. Although Adora was intelligent, she wasn't the best at directions so unfortunately her 45 minutes walk turned into an hour and a half.

When she finally arrived home, she was greeted by her adoptive mother.

"Adora. You are late." A deep voice called her name from the dark corner of the living room.

"Sorry, mom. I missed the bus and had to walk home." Adora took off her shoes, realizing her big toenail was bleeding from walking so much.

"I see. I hope you made it to all your classes." The dark haired woman said in a disappointed tone.

"Yes, I think i'll be able to catch up on all subjects soon." Adora spoke firmly, she knew her mother expected too much from her, but as long as she pushed herself, their relationship wasn't so bad.

"Good. Remember to stay focused, don't let other people pull you back!" The woman with a half-burned face clenched her fists, her daughter was one of her biggest achievements.

"I won't. Are you going somewhere?" Adora asked as her mother called Shadow Weaver walked towards the living room mirror and placed a silicone prosthetic piece over the burnt side of her face.

"Yes... I met someone..." She whispered while using prosthetic glue to get the piece in place.

"Oh! Y-You did?" Adora was surprised! They had moved to this city to start anew. Since the past couple of years, her mother went through a dark phase using crack and ketamine (which was a horse tranquilizer drug).

One day she fell asleep with a cigarette in her hand, setting the bed and the whole house on fire, almost killing herself and Adora. They had decided to start  a new life, new house and new school. After Shadow Weaver finished her time in rehab of course.

"Yes, he calls himself Lord Hordak." Shadow Weaver spoke his name firmly, but deep down, her body begged to be touched by a strong man's hands. She was lost in desire.

"Lord? Is he actually royalty?" Adora asked dumbfounded.

"Don't be silly, Adora. Haven't you heard of Military Machinery & Weapons by Lord Hordak? He is an inventor! An entrepreneur!" Shadow Weaver raised her voice, imaging that powerful man standing besides her, ruling the world together, one of her many fantasies. She had even shaved her old fanny, to make sure it would please Lord Hordak.

"Ehm... No...? So you are going out with someone who makes weapons?" Adora was never fond of guns and weapons, she couldn't imagine someone who had that job as a normal person.

"It doesn't matter what he makes, what matters is how fat his wallet is. I have to go now. Study and get something to eat after." Shadow Weaver put on a black lipstick and left the house in a hurry.

"Okay, mother." Adora was finally able to sit down. She looked at her swollen toe and how it was bleeding, she decided to spit on her toe and use some of the saliva to clean the blood away.

She picked up her phone and decided to maybe post on her EtheriaGram the sunset photo she took a couple hours back.

She didn't have many followers, but she used her social media almost as a public photo diary.

Late night texts ~ CatradoraWhere stories live. Discover now