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Catra didn't waste a second in starting her master plan. Ten minutes before the end of the school day, she stole a bottle of sunflower oil from the kitchen and poured it over the bathroom where she was expecting Adora. 

Meanwhile, Catra pulled down her pants and peed all the liquid from her bladder in a small container. She was definitely improvising by this point.

It wasn't long until Adora quickly walked into the bathroom, excited to teach Catra how to be an A+ student. She did not know exactly why she felt like helping that troubled student, maybe it was her savior complex, who knows? But her smile quickly turned into a frown when she slipped in the sticky floor and fell on the disgusting bathroom tiles.

''Ouch.'' Adora laid on the floor, feeling as if she pulled a muscle when she fell, but to make things worse, a weird yellow type of liquid was poured on her face as she laid on the floor waiting for the dizziness to pass.

''That's what you deserve. Piss on your face.'' Catra said as she laughed manically.

Adora was so in shock she wasn't able to react, she just laid there defeated, with piss on her face and hair, even some droplets came inside her mouth. She watched Catra laugh historically before walking over her and leaving the bathroom.

'W-What just happened? D-Did she throw p-piss on me?' Adora slowly sat up, still in shock, spitting on the floor some the Catra's urine that went in her mouth.

"ADORA!" A mild-annoying voice came from behind the bathroom door, before bursting it open. "You're here! Are you okay? What happened to you? And what's this smell?" Glimmer grabbed Adora by the arm, helping her up.

"G-Glimmer... W-What are you doing here?" Adora asked, still in a state of shock.

"I was on my way out with Bow but I remembered your drawing and put two and two together. You made a drawing of Catra! Did she do this to you? She's a bully!"

"Y-Yeah... S-She did. I'm still trying to process what happened, but I think she made me slip... Then she threw piss on me..." Adora confessed while Glimmer helped her watch herself on the sink.

"Piss? Is she insane?! Adora, you need to stay the hell away from her!" Glimmer yelled. Raising her hand and caressing Adora's shoulder. 

"I-I know, I just... I thought I could change her." The blond girl frowned, feeling stupid for thinking she was going to help Catra with studying in the school bathroom.

"No, you can't change Catra. No one can. She's like those traumatized children who turn into psychopaths and fall in love with their therapist and kill them after." Glimmer sniffed her own hand and realized she smelled like piss now. 

"She can't be that bad..." It didn't matter how difficult people were, Adora would always find good things about them... She just couldn't figure out what Catra's good parts were. hehe

"Adora! She's just physically assaulted you. Don't sugar coat it. We should tell my mother.'' Glimmer crossed her arms, thinking about snitching. Even she knew that sometimes, telling on someone is the only way to get out of a bad situation. 

"No, no. It's okay, I will just... Go home, take a long shower, and nap.'' Adora had a massive headache, it was one of those moments where you try to swallow your tears and try your hardest not to cry, giving you a painful migraine afterwards. 

''Okay... If you need anything, I am here for you, Adora. Let me give you my EtheriaGram.'' Glimmer grabbed Adora's phone and unlocked it (Adora didn't have a password because she believed in people's kindness and didn't think anyone would do something negative against her). Glimmer searched for @PurpleGlitter and  followed herself from Adora's phone.

Adora hugged her in return, thankful she at least had a friend there. Glimmer had a gag reflux and threw up in her own mouth but quickly swallowed it because she didn't want to make Adora feel bad for her piss smell. 


Adora arrived home after the bus ride, feeling completely embarrassed since people thought she was a homeless or a junkie who hasn't showered in the last 3 months. Her day could not get any worse. 

But little did she know what the future had in storage for her. 

As she opened the door, she saw her mother throwing all of the house objects into big cardboard boxes. 

''Mother? What is happening?'' Adora asked, trying to make light of that situation. 

''Adora! Good! Help me pack everything!'' Shadow Weaver shouted without even wasting a moment to look at her own daughter. 

''What? Why? Did you get into trouble with the police again...?'' Adora asked anxiously, she didn't want to move again, they were in that house less than a week.

''Of course not! We both know I am a valuable member of the society!'' The woman with a silicone prosthetic on her burnt face spoke aggressively. Completely denying the fact that the past three years she was involved with crack, child endangerment and resisting arrest. ''I had the date with Lord Hordak yesterday. What a man he is! His views on the world are pioneering! He believes he will rule the world, but he needs a strong minded woman by his side. I have to admit, in the end I even showed to him my burnt face, I was so moved by his speech that I had to show who I really am. I told him about the house fire, my drug problems. And he accepted me. Said that my face even turned him on. He invited me over his mansion of a house, he ravished my body, showed me how strong of a man he is. We fell in love overnight.  He proposed to me, I accepted it!  He invited me to move in his place, he even told me he has a daughter same age as you.'' 

''Woah, woah, woah! What?'' Adora had too much information to process.

''Stop wasting time Adora. Help me pack, we are moving into Lord Hordak's house tonight!'

Adora couldn't comprehend what was happening, how they were going to move into a random man's house out of nowhere. A weapon maker, possibly a narcissist? Things couldn't get any worse. 

Or could they? 

Late night texts ~ CatradoraWhere stories live. Discover now