Moving time

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''Father! Please! I am not okay with that!'' Catra yelled at the top of her lungs upon receiving those surprising news. She was even more shocked to know that she would have to share her room with another girl. Her father had a huge quantity of money, their house was one of the biggest ones in the city, but even though it had around twelve empty rooms, he didn't want to waste any room with someone else's daughter.

''To believe that you have any power over this house, makes me feel sick. You will treat your new mother with respect. And if I hear that you ever disrespect her daughter, I will make you suffer.'' Lord Hordak yelled across the living room, trying to maintain his posture.

''But you only know her for one day?! She is probably interested in your money!'' Catra couldn't comprehend who would be insane enough to move into somebody's house only knowing them one day!

''And I am only interested in her for appearances, Catra. Stop being a weak spoiled teenager like you are.'' Lord Hordak looked through his marriage paperwork, trying to get everything in order.

''Where will she sleep even? My bed isn't even big enough for me!''

''I made arrangements so another bed would be moved on the left side of your room, and if you open your mouth one more time, I will take your PlayStation, throw it in a blender, and make you eat it.''

Catra knew better than to speak up by this point, she knew her father actually came through with his threats. Once he told her if she didn't do the dishes he would make her eat a dog. She didn't, and he ordered dog meat from Cambodia and forced her to eat the meat raw, with no seasoning. Catra had salmonella the next day.

She ran towards her room, feeling the anger build up in her chest. She hated being around people, at school, in the streets, she hated everyone. And now she would have to share her room with a stranger. She would make that girl's life a living hell, and also her mother, until they would have no choice but to leave.

Catra looked at her phone, it was already 9PM. She spent the last hours trying to convince her father not to bring a stranger into their house, but she never had a say in this. She wished she had parents who would listen to her, who would tell her that they are proud. But she had to realize sooner than later, that she was her only family, and her father was no role model.

It wasn't long until two working men knocked on her door and built a queen sized bed on the other side of her room.

'A queen bed?! I don't even have a bed that big!' Catra felt more furious than ever, was she going to be replaced?

She decided to curl up under the blankets of her bed and cry against her soft silky pillow with chip crumbs.


'' Mother! Please, you cannot know someone from spending one day with them. He could be a creep, you never know! He could be a pedophile!'' Adora muttered while helping her mother load up the car with the boxes.

''Nonsense, child. Lord Hordak knows a good thing when he sees it. We will move in his rich mansion, and we will make a name for ourselves. Look on the bright side, you will have a sister.'' Shadow Weaver grabbed a can of gasoline and threw it inside their house.

''But mother... I don't even know her... Let's please leave at least some of our things here, in case it doesn't work out...'' Adora wasn't paying attention to what her mother was doing, her OCD wouldn't let her put the boxes into the trunk of the car unless they were all symmetrically aligned like a Tetris game. Meanwhile Shadow Weaver was whispering a few things to herself.

''From the fire of the cigarette ashes, we rise. From the fire of this gasoline, we evolve.'' Shadow Weaver repeated that 3 times before throwing her lighter into the gasoline, setting her house on fire. ''Ab igne hanc terram dominabitur. Parvulos occidemus, et sanguinem eorum bibemus. Arma et imperium populo aedificabimus. Satanas custodit nos.'' Shadow Weaver chanted some weird Latin phrases as if she was casting a spell.

''MOTHER! Why did you do that?! Oh Etheria!'' Adora's eyes watered from the smoke coming out of the burning house. She ran towards the car to find the fire extinguisher underneath the seat.

''We are free, Adora. I can finally get the power I deserve.'' Shadow Weaver turned around and saw Adora with a fire extinguisher in her hands. ''PUT THAT DOWN, child. Do NOT disobey me!''

''But mothe-''

''Silence! I will not let you jeopardize my chance with Lord Hordak, I am your mother but I will gladly throw you in the streets if you don't listen to me. Now get in the car, we should go before the cops come.''

And with that, Shadow Weaver and Adora drove towards Lord Hordak's house. It took a good thirty minutes before they reached the entrance. The huge house was surrounded by a tall wall-like fence. There were guards around the gate, holding MP5s and bulletproof vests.

''Mother... I don't like the looks of this. Seems like we are going to prison...'' Adora whispered.

''Quiet, Adora. This is what the future looks like.'' Shadow Weaver approached the car towards the gate, the guards seemed to be aware that they were expecting someone.

''Mrs. Hordak?'' The guard asked. Shadow Weaver's underwear got drenched with the idea that she would inherit his surname.

''YES! Oh yes, that's me.'' She said proudly and Adora cringed in her seat.

The guards let her through, entering Lord Hordak's estate was definitely intimidating. It was the size of an endless field, but the decoration wasn't the brightest. Statues of Lord Hordak in different positions holding guns decorated the entire area. After they parked their car, they walked towards the big metal door with a security camera. It wasn't long until the cold pale man opened the door.

''Lord Hordak. I have done what you instructed, I got rid of my house and I have all my belongings in the car.''

''Very well. I will send someone to pick up your boxes, this is your... Child, I assume?'' The tall man looked down at Adora. His face had a cold expression.

''Yes. This is Adora.'' Shadow Weaver pulled Adora's arm so she would present herself, but the blond girl didn't dare to say a word, that whole evening was freaking her out. Shadow Weaver pinched her arm to make her say something.

''I-It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.'' Adora straightened her back, in fear.

''At least she has manners, not like my delinquent of a daughter. Adora, if she doesn't treat you with respect, let me know, and I will pluck her hair out, one by one. Shadow Weaver laughed as if he just said the funniest joke, but Adora didn't find any of that funny.

Eventually, Adora got a tour of the place with her mother, but she would most likely need a couple of days to remember everything. She was instructed to go to her room and she would unpack the next day.

When Adora entered her room, it was already dark. The lights were switched off and she wondered if she should wake up Lord Hordak's daughter and introduce herself. But she felt like her evening was weird enough. Adora used her phone's light to guide herself to the empty bed, trying to be as quiet as possible.

She curled up in her own bed, and tried falling asleep. She would introduce herself to Lord Hordak's daughter the next day.

As Adora tried falling asleep, she could hear faint moaning noises of her mother being railed by that psychopath.

Catra on the other hand, felt like her ears were bleeding, hearing how her new home sounded like a brothel.

Would the two girls finally get along?

Late night texts ~ CatradoraWhere stories live. Discover now