Calm before the storm

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Catra's anger was reaching her limits, she was so furious, yet so tired, that all she did was give Adora a simple smile.

"Actually, you're right. Would you meet me at the end of the day by the bathrooms in the east side of the building?" Catra asked with a sweet smile. "We could revise together."

"S-Sure! In the bathroom? Why?" Adora furrowed her eyes-brows a bit confused, but excited nonetheless.

"It helps me concentrate. Just don't tell anyone." Catra faked another smile and looked away.

She was tired, of everything. Of her perverted father, of her daily chores, of her stalker. Catra wanted it all to end. She had been depressed for so long that she was numb to everything, only anger lingered in her heart. Catra decided she would teach Adora a lesson, then she would try to run away from home.


Adora felt a pinch of comfort in her heart, even though it was her second day in school, she already managed to do a good deed. She met a bully and was able to change her mind to become a better person. Adora loved helping people, she felt a sense of achievement when she was there for someone. But she didn't know this wasn't the case with Catra.

She looked at the bully,  who was looking at her phone mid-class, not caring if she would be caught.

'I'm definitely gonna help her.' Adora thought and smiled. She was definitely tired from last night. Not only she didn't sleep well, she had to hear her mother moaning all night. Apparently, the date went so well that Shadow Weaver arrived with Hordak late night, and did the nasty until 5Am. It was traumatizing, hearing your own mother moaning and begging to be fucked. But not as traumatizing as your mother doing crack and setting the house on fire.

Since Adora was going to have arts class later that day, she decided to doodle on the notepad a drawing of Catra. For no reason in particular, she just found the particular brunette aesthetically pleasing.

As the day passed by, the time to meet Catra in the bathroom soon approached.

"Hey Adora, do you want to join us? We are going to eat at the new burger place in town." Glimmer asked as Adora picked up her books from the locker.

"Oh hey, i'd love to but I have to help my classmate study." Adora smiled softly, she would rather study and help people instead of her own happiness and friends. As she picked up her books, the drawing of Catra fell on the floor.

(Drawing- Doesn't belong to me 💀)

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(Drawing- Doesn't belong to me 💀)

"That's fine, other time then. Oh hey, your drawing fell from your locker. Who's she by the way?" Glimmer grabbed it and looked at it, not even realizing it was Catra, her bully.

"Oh, that's my classmate, the one I'm helping." Adora picked up the drawing and placed it in her locker.

"Never seen her around, she looks very... Interesting." Glimmer didn't want to be rude, but Adora clearly did that have the art skills to draw someone. "Anyway, see ya tomorrow!"

"See you!"

Adora sighed, walking towards the bathroom to meet her soon to be friend.

But Catra had something else in storage.

Should Adora go through with this? Would it be safe for her? What was Catra planning?

Late night texts ~ CatradoraWhere stories live. Discover now