The Start

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The start began when I began to question myself, whether I'm No-Binary, or Gay, or just plainly feminine as a male. I kept my ears out and look around for a sign and after a while believing I'm transgender made me feel so happy within myself as I felt whole, I felt I was on the path to who I truly was. I'm far from perfect in any expression, I'm far from a good Daughter right now.  I'm trying my best. Well the Story of what happened is probably what you want.

My Mom and Dad : The happy couple, the one people look to. However My Mom really didn't agree with my thought of me being Transgender, She openly didn't believe me she laughed in my face about it. I won't lie I felt a bit hurt but I don't really express emotion too well as I struggle greatly to show love, anger, sadness. I just have a plain look on my face. My Dad is coming around to it but he doesnt mind as long as theres a smile upon mu face he even began to say my name, (Luna) it was nice to hear it.

A night ago, or two my mother had a bit to drink after being advised not to by her doctor due to a medical reason. She had drank more than 3/4 of a bottle of Spiced Rum it was a strong rum. Then after I went upstairs as my Dad told me to, as my Mom was getting a little emotional which is fine, I've done that before as it's not my business to hear what's being said most the time, as I'm not privy to that information. Then after about 10 minutes he yells me and says, "I can't do this anymore you two need to sort your S**t out, I've been in the middle of this for too long and now I've broke I can't handle it anymore." (Keep in mind, he chose to be in the middle I may not understand as I'm still a child, but he chose to but he knows that he did it off his choice not mine.) So after that I went downstairs all good intentions, I actually seemed respectable. My tone, calm and collected I had thought for a few weeks or so as I needed to get my mind in the right place to begin. I didn't have a choice of when I could come out to my family, I was pushed a lot to come out by my Dad. I wanted time to consider it first I know 4 years is a lot! However, this is a massive life-long decision that could affect my entire life afterwards. That's besides the point, back to the subject. My Mom got to the point of this question, "Who, is Luna." I gave an answer she did not like ; my answer was, "I am Luna."

(Continuing when I can)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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