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"Percyyyyy, come onnnn- Mama said she was making pie tonight for dessert." Nico glared up at his best friend, who was currently hanging upside down from a tree. "She said I had to come get you and I want pie, so you get your butt down right now. I'm not losing my pie over you." 

Green eyes stared at brown ones, and the boy in question, Percy, flipped himself from the tree. He grinned at Nico, shaking twigs and leaves from his hair. 

"You won't be getting any pie regardless, if Aunt Mari finds out about your language." 

Nico gaped, before drawing up his entire not-yet-8-year-old figure. "You would not." 

Percy shrugged. "I would, but I won't..." Nico relaxed marginally. "...if you sneak me 2 of mum's cookies." 

Nico stared, he stared very hard, before shaking his head. "No, if I don't get pie, you don't get cookies, and then we're even." 

A staring contest ensued, and Nico narrowed his eyes at Percy. He was not losing this time, nuh uh. So, with all the determination he could draw up, he kept his eyes open and refused to blink. 

Only to leap in the air, when a loud scream/roar came from behind him. Cackles came from behind him as he stumbled, using his arms to brace for landing against the ground. 

Hands snagged his clothes and kept him up. He wiggled and scrunched his nose as Percy righted his clothes. Huffing, he pushed away, a pout on his lips as he listened to Bianca laugh from where she was on the ground. He hated when she decided to scare him. 

Her eyes were squinted, tears rolling down her face, wheezing and breathing shakily as she righted herself only to collapse and wobble in another fit of laughter with pure babble ecaping her mouth. 

Percy rolled his eyes before walking right next to her and collapsing on top of her. 

Okay, well not directly, but more his belly on hers, and making a very lopsided 'X' shape. Which wasn't much better if Bianca's breathless wheezes were anything to go off of, and her weak shoves on his ribs. 

"Perce- gerroff!" She grunted tiredly before giving him a sharp pinch on his side. Percy yowled, leaping up and rubbing his side with a scrunched-up face. 

Nico sighed, putting his hands on his hips, and looking at the two. "Let's Gooooo!! Mama's making pie rememberr?" His black hair ruffled as he shook his head roughly, his long bangs brushing into his vision; he shoved them back with an annoyed huff. 

Smirking, Percy shifted his green eyes to the smaller boy. "Race ya!" Darting off, he laughed at the exclamation of 'Cheater!' from behind him and the thundering pound of feet that followed him. 

When the house came into view, a large manor that made their old bunker look pitiful, he pushed himself forward despite the building cramps in his side. He wasn't going to be beat by Nico. Nope, he refused to allow his winning streak to come to an end. 

Finally, his feet stumbled onto patterned white marble and he slapped his hand onto the ledge of the windowsill. Nico's arms wrapped around his neck and the boys legs wrapped around his hips with a mock growl. 

Bianca sighed as she came upon them on the floor with Percy tickle attacking Nico who was shrieking with laughter. "Get up you two." She flicked Percy on the ear and nudged Nico with the toe of her boot, eyeing the dirt on the patio. 

Percy ambled up and kicked off his shoes, shaking his hair free of any loose dust. 

Bianca brushed off her skirt, pulling her little hair cover tight over her long black hair. Her sleeves were tugged down to her wrists from where she had them up to play outside, and she shimmied her boots off her feet with a pained sound. "These things are so tighttt-" She bent her toes downward, rocking back on her heels and stretching her toes out with a happy sigh. "Mum needs to get me a bigger set of boots. Her's are getting a bit small." 

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