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Percy stared, wide-eyed.

Lotus Casino and Hotel was amazing.

Nico laughed breathlessly, running off with a hand clasped around his sister's forearm. He dragged her towards a large screen with a flat piece that flashed with different colors with doohickeys and gadgets all on a diagonal piece beneath it.

A little green card was clutched in the hands of all three of them and Nico jammed his in a little slot piece; his excitement palpable as he bounced next to his sister. Percy went to a large screen with different sea creatures going across them and he tugged on the edges of his old coat. His breath was ragged as he stared. He'd never seen a Television screen this large. And it had color.

Percy looked around, his eyes widening even more when he noticed the food bars and the big wide menus with food after food listed on them; there were waitresses and his stomach gave a soft grumble. He went over and blinked hard at the stool before climbing up. There was a woman in front of him within seconds and his eyes widened at the dark skin and kinky hair. She smiled brightly, her lips painted a dark pink.

"What can I get you, cutie?"

"Oh - erm... can I have a bowl a' stew and a small side of taters?"

"Course! Anything else I can get you?"

"No ma'am."

Percy handed the woman his small card and she nodded before flouncing into a back room. He fidgeted before just looking around. There were shoots and tubes that ended in a large pool of water and there were lots of stairways and floors, 40 at the very least. There was a single tall wall that went up with ledges and colorful rocks, most likely used for climbing.

He blinked rapidly at the sight of a bridge, no doubt at least 20 metres in the air, with a few other people jumping off of it with a harness strapped on them with a springy rope as the stopped and bounded softly before the unstrapped themselves. Percy suspected that if Nico ever caught sight of it, Bianca would have a heart attack. Percy too probably - they were his best friends and he promised to take care of them as the eldest between the three of them.

Nico would never go on that, he vowed to himself.

"Here you are! Would you like a glass of milk or lemonade?" Percy held back his astonishment and gave a soft nod as he ate a spoonful of soup. It was delicious.

"I'll have some milk, please."

"Coming right up!"

Percy gobbled up his soup, humming happily at the taste of the warm broth traveling to his stomach. The beef - beef - was tender and complimented beautifully by the vegetables. It reminded of his mum's cooking. The soup was gone relatively quickly, along with the taters. He washed it all down with a glass of milk and smiled widely at the lady.


He leapt off the stool with a grin and shot off to the large screens. He would play a few games and then rest up a little bit.


Percy flopped onto the bed, sinking into the softness of the sheets. They were so fluffy. There was a groan from behind the closed door of the closet. "Percy, come here! Tell me what you think!"

He sighed and got up, trudging to the door. It swung open and he blinked in surprise. Bianca, vivacious snarky boots and rolled up skirts Bianca, looked groomed.

She had her long hair pulled back with a long flower ribbon, wearing a long cream dress with semi-circle flap on her shoulders and going down to her waist. Stockings covered her light olive skin with black Mary Janes on her feet. Her eyebrows were neat and her eyes were framed with a light black on the top. She had dark pinky color on her lips.

Growing Up With You [Percy Jackson AU]Where stories live. Discover now