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Percy waits on the steps of Yancy, his feet tapping and pressing against the concrete underneath him constantly. He shifts his weight along with his trunk in an impatient manner as he waits for his two best friends to come out from the halls of Yancy.

The scent of pine fills his nose and he looks out at the tall stretch of trees, and just behind them, he could see the river if he focused his eyes on the gaps between the foliage. The wait slowly becomes unbearable and he pulls out his phone, fumbling with it for a few moments before he manages to get it to Camera.

It takes him a few more moments to adjust the settings and get it panorama view and he takes a picture of Yancy, slowly turning to get a full view of the building and everything around it. He looks at it and, satisfied with his picture, he puts his phone away into the back pocket of his jeans.


He stiffens at the call and turns around, pressing his lips together when he sees Grover clambering over to him. He's doing his awkward walk that always seemed a bit odd, and Percy could spot Mr Brunner a little ways away, reading a book underneath a tree. His chest constricts painfully but he averts his eyes as Grover comes to a stop in front of him, panting.

"Percy – why... um... I wanted to say goodbye and I hope things go well... do ya... do ya want me to um, come with? Where are you going?"

"To the city, for a little while – then we're heading over to Las Vegas."

"Oh? Er, that's cool. I heard Las Vegas is a bit dangerous over the summer. So just be careful, yeah?"

Percy gives him an assessing look. "What have you heard about it? So that I may be aware?"

Grover looks startled and averts his eyes – it most likely has something to do with the talk that he had with Mr. Brunner then. "Well – I've heard a lot of scary figures and everything and lotta crime so just keep on guard."

"Okay, I will do s –"


Percy whips around just in time to have an armful of excited Nico. Arms wrap around him and he huffs as he's squeezed tightly. "Are you excited? Huh huh? Cause I am and it's going to be soooo much fun. We're going to have an amazing time and maybe we'll find someplace else to explore! I think we should just be homeschooled though – so much easier I think than going somewhere else."

Nico shifts, before turning his head to the side and looks at Grover. He'd only just realized that he was there apparently. "Erm – Hello."

Grover gives a flickering sort of smile and a short wave. "Hi."

Bianca comes up with her luggage and sighs. "Nico I told you not to run ahead of me. You were supposed to stay right next to me." She adjusts her hat which has her hair tucked into it, and looks at Percy. She spares Grover a glance but ultimately decides to just ignores him. "Are we leaving? The car is pulling up."

Percy swivels around and relaxes at seeing a familiar car. "Let's head out then – bye, Grover."

"Uh – Bye Percy. Oh and here! If you ever want to call or anything." He shoves a card into his hand and Percy glances at it before putting it in his pocket.

"Alright – thanks bye."

He treks out to the car, where he can see the vague outline of Cigar in the passenger seat. The door is opened for them and Percy lugs his stuff in, placing it at his feet when he sits. Bianca and Nico sit next to him and Nico is playing on his phone before he shoves it into Percy's hands. "Look!"

Percy blinks at the sight – it was Nico with two different kids, all of them smiling widely. The girl has thick, curly, black hair and dark skin like Donna while the other boy has thin eyes and flat brown hair. "That's Ida Mae, she's from Georgia and that's Kyle, he's from Pennsylvania. They gave me their parent's numbers so that I could contact them.... I haven't figured out how yet but I will!"

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