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Percy is an apathetic bitch and Bianca is tired.

Also ADHD is having a meltdown but then getting bored of your meltdown and it sucks, lemme tell you.

So that's the vibe of this chapter and idk if I got it but at this point of time, I don't careee✌



Percy doesn't remember much.

It's a bit hazy, more brief foggy glimpses that feel more of a dream than reality, but the few snips of reality that he can hold onto, he snags onto them and refuses to let go.

Sometimes when he wakes up it's peaceful. It's a gentle stirring to wakefulness and buttery popcorn being spooned into his mouth. Other times it's him waking to Bianca screaming and crying, and Percy struggling to get to her with tired limbs. He struggles to stay awake but he's always forced back into the darkness.

There are three faces that he sees often: princess curls, a scar, and the familiar one. They're all hazy and unfocused, but they always had buttery popcorn with them.

He thinks there were questions at one time, by the curly haired one, and that something had been stolen. Percy didn't remember much else though.

When Percy had finally come around, able to open his eyes without feeling like bricks had been tied to each of his individual eyelashes, there wasn't much surrounding him. It was a nice farmhouse, a big window showing rows and rows of a fruit of some sort. He was on a cot of sorts, a blanket over his legs, and a small pillow under his head. It was nice, very hospitable, but his mouth felt like it had the tip of a hot iron poker inside of it and his teeth felt like they were being wedged out with pliers.

He struggled to sit up but he managed, pushing himself up with weak arms. Percy breathed in deeply and looked around when it felt like his head wasn't about to roll off his shoulders, and his eyes near immediately landed on Bianca. He forced himself up and next to her, nearly nose-diving to the floor, but he managed.

She was pale, her hair dirty and a complete mess, and Percy closed a weak hand over her limp one. She stirred briefly, her face creasing, before settling back down.

Percy looked around again, searching for a third cot with the youngest member of their group. He couldn't find one.

He stared, confused, before his brain started working again.


Nico wasn't there.


Nico had been taken by the Minotaur.


Nico was dead.


Rage filled Percy like hot-motor oil,

The farm house shook and the windows exploded.


Percy knocked himself out again with the sheer force of his anger; with the pulling and tugging in his gut; with shattering glass but somewhere in his mind he knew don't hurt Bianca—

Then he was in black, shoved back in by the boy with the scar, and the taste of his mother's cookies flooded his mouth.

He wanted more cookies. He wanted his mum.


When he wakes up again, he doesn't feel so weak. Percy can still faintly taste his mother's cookies, warm and melting in his mouth. It makes his heart throb painfully in his chest. Slowly, he shoves himself to his feet, onto trembling legs that make him feel like a newborn foal but he locks his knees and forces his legs not to give out on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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