♡ Kohaai ♡

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A/N: Accidentally Kagahira-fied Kohaku woopsies. Btw, I wrote most of this in class, I'm fucking praying no one took a peek at my phone while I was writing lmao

Aira's eyes opened, he wasn't quite sure what the time was, but he was well aware it wasn't a normal time to be awake. However, Aira always found it impossible to fall asleep after waking up, so instead of lying in bed, waiting for morning, he decided he would go on a walk.

He stepped outside, the cool air felt nice on his face, it was still dark, but his eyes quickly adjusted to the dark environment. Walking like this felt almost nostalgic, it was hard to believe that it had already been two months since ALKALOID was formed. He had fond memories of his first night as part of a unit, he went on a walk similar to this. Part of him hoped he might see him again, the young male was so effortlessly beautiful and innocent that it was hard to believe he belonged to a unit that caused so much trouble to everyone else. He almost made him want to become a Crazy:B fanboy, almost, Rinne was much too annoying for him to actually openly be a fan of the unit. Of course that wouldn't stop him from secretly enjoying their music.

Aira stopped walking, sitting underneath a tree, he took in his surroundings, the sky looked very beautiful at this time of night, the inky black of the sky sprinkled with so many bright stars. He wished one day he could shine as bright as a star, he was tired of trailing behind everyone, dragging his whole unit down, he wanted to be just as good as the rest of his unit, so he could perform with them with his head held high. Hiiro constantly reassured him that he was talented, but it just pissed him off when it came from the boy who started as a complete novice and became far better than Aira ever was in a matter of days.

Aira sighed, pulling out his phone, at times like this, he wanted to talk to someone, but he was sure no one was awake at, 3 AM? Wow, he knew it was late, but not that late, he would have to make sure this didn't become a habit, no one liked an idol with dark circles under their eyes. He still thought he might as well check, he opened up Hold Hands, and was surprised to see that Kohaku was still online at a time like this. Though, part of him wasn't surprised at all, he could still fondly recall how the two of them would talk into ungodly hours of the night, he still had no idea how Kohaku didn't get sick of all his constant rambling. Beautiful, talented and patient, everything about Kohaku just seemed perfect.

He was going to message Kohaku, but it seems the other boy beat him to it, "What are you doing up Rabu-han, can't sleep?" Aira chuckled at Kohaku's blatent hypocrisy, though he supposed he was planning on saying something similar. "Mhm, I couldn't get back to sleep after waking up. I was just on a walk until now hehe"

"Mind if I join you? Seeing as we're both up rn and all" Seriously, could this guy get any more perfect? He took the words straight from Aira's throat, he didn't want to sound like he was desperate for company, although he was, it was embarrassing, so he was relieved that Kohaku wanted to spend time with him. "Ofc! See you soon Kohakucchi~"

He realised he never specified where exactly he was, but it appeared that didn't matter, because Kohaku easily found him, sitting down right next to Aira, he also looked towards the sky, Aira turned his head towards Kohaku, seeing a glint of childlike wonder in his eyes. Kohaku liked appreciating the small things, he had many years apart from the sky when he was in solitary confinement, so just being able to look at the pretty stars like this meant alot more to him than most other people. "Hey Rabu-han? Are y'alright? I know ya come online late at night like tha' when yer upset."

Kohaku looked towards Aira, who chuckled nervously before smiling weakly, "Am I really that obvious?"

"Yeah, kinda, but it's not exactly a bad thin', I like how straightforward ya are." Kohaku smiled gently at Aira, "Ya wanna talk about it?" Aira shook his head, "No, you'd just think it's stupid, it is really... Gh-!" Kohaku gently tackled him to the ground, brushing the hair out of his face so he could look directly into his eyes, "Hey! What was that for?!"

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