chapter 2

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nica's pov:
"Mave!" i shouted.."Maaave!" obviously not listening, i went to her room. "idiot i'm going to the skate park with matteo and leslie, wanna join us?" i invited her. "no thank you i have a flight today and will be back by tomorrows evening."  she smiled at me. "oh where you going?" "just a short flight to california and then back" "somebody will be rich, be my sugar mommy please" i laughed at her because she's constantly working, when i think about it i should work more myself, after buying this house i am poor bitch... never mind. "of course baby gurl i'm gonna spoil you my sugar baby!!" she matched my energy and we both started laughing
"i gotta go now" "oh okay say hi to matteo and leslie please!" she screamed at me after i shut her door and run down the stairs. "yes sir, you say hi to the skies for me, i will have to apply for some flight too, but i'm lazy" i said more to myself but still loud enough for her to hear "just go already, jesus" a loud sigh left from her room. i love that girl.

"Hi guys!" i hugged my friends. "hey ronnie" leslie and matthew said in unison. most people call me Nica but these two just love calling me looads of names, ronnie is one of the more used ones.

We grabbed our skates and started practicing some tricks. "game of skate?" Leslie shouted standing close to the ramp "is that even a question?" matt jumped down from his skateboard and we all came closer to each other. "Rock paper scissors shoot" mattheo won, as always...

we've been twenty minutes in a game when some guys came to the park. That of course didn't bother us. it of course would bother us if they had scooters and not skates, i hate people who ride scooters!!

Anyways when leslie input a kick flip from a small ramp i landed badly and fell on my ass. These two mfs were laughing their asses off, literally crying out loud. my skateboard rode away into the way of some boy, caused him to fall off too. Now it was two of us holding our asses in pain and both of our friend laughing at us.
"i'm so sorry" i pleaded, still sitting on the ground. "what the fuck man?!" he yelled "i'm soo sorry, please forgive me! nice to meet you by the way, im nica" i said trying to change the subject. this situation was already so awkward i didn't know what else should i say. "oh ehmm okay" he stuttered "i'm nick nice to meet you i guess" his eyes didn't met mine as he was looking everywhere else but at me.
i got up "i think this fall was sign for me to go home, we've been out for how long? three hours already?" looking back to the duo. "okay dummie say hello to Mave" "oh shoot i forgot she send hello to you too! she's working till tomorrow so i have a free house if you wanna come and have a sleepover?" i asked with hope they would say yes. i don't want to be bored. Leslie answered first and said she's not going because of work a matt had to go to his parents for a weekend. That is leaving me alone. nice.

we said our goodbyes and i headed home. there was no food so i grabbed my shoes and went to the grocery store. Outside of our house some voice said something, i didn't know who it was until i saw him. "Nica? is that you?" the voice said, it belong to the new boy i've met today. "Nick? oh hello what are you doing here?"
"i live here" he replied and i looked on a house that Nick pointed his finger at.
"if you're looking for my house, it's that one right next to yours i judge because you've just left that one." i think i slightly opened my mouth in shock.
"oh eh yeah you are right that one is mine, nice to meet ya neighburito!" i kinda stuttered but tried to laugh this awkward moment off
he laughed with me and then he changed the topic "how is your ass?"
i didn't expect this kind of question "actually great, now i have to walk to the grocery store because i can't sit in the car properly" sarcastic as i could be. "that's good, i have a fat ass so the hugeness saved me from pain" he said with a poker face and i bursted out laughing. "dickhead, anyways wanna join around and go shopping with me?"
"yeah why not, my roommate is busy so i don't have anything else to do"

We talked about roommates and about skating and a lot of random stuff, i enjoyed his company so i asked if he wants to come over.
"Nick? do you want to cook dinner with me?"
he then stopped walking and said that he would love to only if the food was also for him, which of course would be.

we were making steak with some potatoes. In the process, we were laughing because i kept messing something up. "Seriously how are you so bad at cooking Nica!?" he said half jokingly. "i think i can do solid pasta al pomodoro and i can do eggs and a tea and.." naming all easy things i could think of. "you definitely aren't wifey material" he stated.
"Tsss  i can't cook but i think i'm i wifey material, i have a really good job, i'm pretty and funny and all these good things!" i stated
"where do you work?"
"i'm a flight attendant but i'm studying to be a pilot"
"oh shot that's so cool!"
"what about you?"
"oh i'm a programmer, and Mave is a pilot too? or the flight attendant?"
"yep we are doing the same and studying the same thing" i laughed
"yeah that's the same with me and clay, he is also a programmer" we were both laughing at the similarities.

After our dinner nick went back to his house and i went to bed.

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