chapter 4

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mave's pov:

Nica left for four days because of work. the first day i went to the gym and after i went swimming in our pool. i had a me day. nothing special
the second day i thought about going for a walk but was too lazy so i knocked on a neighbours door. Clay opened looking like he's just woken up.
"good morning?" i said jokingly "good morning" he smiled
"nica's working and i thought we could hang out for a bit or something?" i suggested
"the guys are going out to a funfair but i'm not going so we could do something..did you have a breakfast?"
"no actually i haven't eat anything today"
"i will change and in twenty minutes pick you up? we could go to the city for some brunch" that was a lovely idea

we separated to change our clothes. i put on some nicer clothing and after i did some light makeup, clay knocked on the door.
"hi," he had white shirt two buttons opened and black pants "you look pretty" he said. my face heated up. "thank you, you are not bad yourself" i winked, he snorted.
we arrived to this beautiful restaurant and ordered some food and coffee. It was comfortable with him.

"why aren't you at the funfair with the guys?"
"i don't like heights and i have sometimes social anxiety and at the funfairs are always loads of people which makes me insane"
"oh alright, that's a reason"
"and where's veronica?"
"she's working and will be for two more days, it's now the second day and i'm bored, thank god you had a free time!"
"looser you don't have other friends"
"nica told me that nick and you are programmers so that means that your only other friends are programmers too and you are probably a virgin!"
"fuck off! i would have a comeback but i don't know you yet!"
"so that means i won?"

"where are karl and alex from?"
"karl is from north carolina and alex is from mexico, we've met due to some programming and been friends ever since"
"ha! i knew it, there is a house full of nerds next to mine." she laughed
"i actually hate you!"
"yeah sure" she winked

whole two hours full of conversation about family, friends and about each other the brunch came to its end. clay paid for the two of us and we headed home.

"was this a date?" i asked hoping it wouldn't ruin the friendship we created
"if you want this to be?"
"let's call this a date then" i giggled, my face blushing. he took mine hand and we started to walk to his car. this gentleman escorted me to mine side and opened the door for me "thank you kind sir"

we left the restaurant and rode back to home.
"the house is still free and will be for awhile wanna come over?"
"i mean i could i don't have anything else to do"
"we could go to the pool?" he suggested
"give me five minutes i will go for my swimsuit" i ran back to my house, took my stuff and ran back. he was already dressed in his shorts. We jumped in a pool. He started splashing me so i started my revenge and  i was winning until he grabbed my hands and then pulled me close to him. now we were hugging. his warmth against my body was so comfortable. i had my back pressed against him but he took me and turned me so that i would face him. We were both smiling at each other. we were close to the edge of the pool so he swam right next to it and pressed my back against it. our faces were inches apart. For a long minute we were quietly examining each other faces. He had freckles and beautiful greenish eyes. We brushed our noses and i couldn't take it anymore so i came even closer and connected our lips. we started kissing, it was a long and passionate kiss. when we parted away and he stopped hugging me, the sudden coldness of the water made me leave the pool.
i grabbed my clothes and changed at the restroom. When i got dressed up, i was wondering in the house and then i saw him standing in, i suppose his room. he had shorts on but he was still missing a shirt. he must've heard mine steps because he turned around to see me. "hi" he smiled
"hello" i sad walking into his room "nice room"
"thank you"
"what are we going to do now?"
"i don't know..wanna play some pc game?"
"like what?"
"i have never played anything before"
"you are kidding! how's that possible, you are playing right now! no is not an answer!"
"damn okay!" i laughed sitting on the chair in front of his setup, he took another chair from nicks room.
He load up a new word and started explaining how to control the game.
After minutes i sort of started to understand how this world of cubes worked.
"Watch out!!" clay screamed
"aaaa what's that?!" "run run run"
"aaaa" a black monster was running after me, it had a nice purple eyes but when i looked at it the monster started hitting me,  i was dead...again
"you are so bad at this game it's not even possible" 
"i'm not playing anymore i'm horrible" i laughed turning on my chair around until clay stopped me.
"hi" our faces were once again close enough for our noses to touch "hi" i whispered. Our lips once again connecting. this kiss was full of lust. he grabbed me and pulled me on his lap. he was still siting on his chair but got up holding me up. we were still kissing.

nicks pov:
The last thing we did in luna park was a ferris wheel romantic attraction with the dudes. We were a little bit drunk so the ride was pretty funny.
it was 11pm when we came home so we jumped on the sofa and started watching a film. All three of us passed out on the couch.

it was around 10am when i woke up. I decided to make a coffee for everybody and some pancakes. i heard some steps so clay must have woken up. It's kinda early for him. i looked at the stairs where was a GIRL!!?!?? not just any girl! MAVE walking barefoot with clay's shirt on, covering her almost to her knees. when she saw me she stopped. we were just staring at each other. i think my mouth was slightly open. she then started walking towards the front door opening them and then going home.
"was that just  Mave going from clays room?" karl asked somewhere from the couch. "the fuck" was the only thing i could let out of my mouth.

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