chapter 7

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nica's pov:
"i will miss you guys! it was nice meeting you!" i hugged alex and karl
they were leaving the next day but i had to go to the work. mave had flight with me so she said her goodbyes as well

clay's pov:
"so clay, what's up with you and mave? are you dating or not?"
"tell us dream boy" alex laughed and jumped on a couch
"well after what you saw nothing really happened"
karl sighed "i thing we were in the way alex, i bet when we will be away you will get things going again"
"true true" alex joined the conversation "but i would like to know one more thing...sapnaaap" he said really loud "what's up with you and nica, i like the name combination nick and nica, sounds lovely!"
"what? what about me and nica?" nick obviously didn't want to talk about it

karl whispered to me "hey wanna bet?"
"hit it up karl"
"when do you thing they will get together? i give it a month"
"oh boy nick is not going to ask her out first, she would have to start so i'm thinking two months!"
"twenty dollars?"
"twenty it is!"

"what are you whispering you guys?!" alex insisted on knowing
karl whispered to him "i'll tell you at the airport"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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