Chap.4 Uh oh

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Marinette had been entirely right that her new class would be infinitely better. Two hours in and the lesssons had had no interruptions, no fights, no Bustier scolding her. She'd been able to listen to the lesson and take notes in peace.

It was so... calming.

It definitely helped to have a quiet and concentrated bench mate, and having Léa and Marc behind her was a lot easier than Adrien and Nino. They were all mostly quiet (Marc had asked Léa for help during maths), and they didn't pull her pigtails or try to talk to her in the middle of the lesson.

"Okay, class, I want you to listen up." Ms. Mendeleiev put her own book down. "After lunch, I am starting up a group work where you will present a country that your group will draw from a hat. So get back in time."

The lunch bell rang and everyone packed up.

Marc rushed out of the classroom, surprising Marinette. She turned to Léa to see if she knew what it was about.

Léa shrugged. "He's meeting up with Nathaniel." She grabbed her bag. "Do you want to go check on the jacket? I have it in my locker."

Marinette nodded. "Sure."

The two of them walked calmly towards the lockers, chatting about the tv show Gotham. Marinette had followed it for a year now, but her new friend was new to it and super excited.

"Heeey, Marinette!"

The loud shout surprised her and she put her foot down weird, only aware of her face heading for the ground scarily fast. Then- an abrupt stop thanks to a hand having grabbed one of her arms.

"Holy shit, are you okay?!" Léa pulled Marinette up, immidietly checking on the shoulder of the same arm she pulled.

Marinette took a shaky breath. Her shoulder hurt a little, and she was reasonably sure she'd bruised her foot, but other than that she was fine. "I'm okay. Thank you."

"No problem. Did I hurt your shoulder?" Léa asked, a serious and worried look on her face.

Marinette shook her head. "It feels a little sore, but no more than that."

"That's-" Léa was interrupted by Alya.

"Damn girl, no need to jump out of your skin. It's not like I'm you-know-who." Alya laughed a little, barely reacting to Marinette falling.

Marinette felt Léa go stiff, saw her eyes narrowing, and just barely shook her head so Léa could see. Warning her not to start anything.

"You startled me, Alya." Marinette said simply. "What's up?"

Alya brightened up. "I wanted to see if you survived having Mendeleiev as a teacher. She's so strict and goes off for anything." She grimaced. "She even took my phone several times. She's so mean."

Marinette had been there several of those times, and she knew damn well that Ms. Mendeleiev taking it had been justified. She didn't say it though. "It's been fine. Nice and quiet, you know."

Alya didn't seem to catch the dig that had unintentionally slipped in, but Léa did. The brief surprise at Marinette's tone gave it away.

The noirette held back a wince. She needed to watch her reactions more.

"Oh, yeah! You missed it, but Lila offered to fix the music for this year's school dance, and she has someone willing to fix our dresses." Alya damn near squealed. "Oh yeah, Lila assumed you wanted to make your own dress, so she didn't book you with her friend. That's okay, right?"

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