Chapter 1: The Boy From the Village of Man

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Roommate:"Hey, Motoki. Wake up."

*The young boy with brown hair and blue eyes, Motoki, was woken up by his roommate.*


Roommate:"Don't 'morning' me, we're late."

Motoki:"Huh? We are?! Aw man, not again!"

*Motoki and his roommate prepared for their classes, and rushed to their classrooms. Motoki got to his classroom, and sat down just as the Sensei walked in*

Sensei:"Alright, class. Today, we will learn about the women kunoichi. They are deadly and skilled, even more so than us men."

Boy 1:"Yeah, right! What can a woman do against us? They don't sound scary."

*The other young boys nodded their heads, and agreed*

Sensei:"Settle down, class. This is serious. If you underestimate a woman, and you'll be dead before you know it."

Motoki(mind):Women a scary, huh? I've never seen one so I can't say anything. If they aren't scary, what are they really like?

*Motoki went through his classes, and was given night training*

Roommate:"Man, why do both of us get night training."

Motoki:"I don't wanna either. The Sensei just told us after class, so there's nothing we can do."

Roommate:"You know what, I'm not going. You can train by yourself, I've got better things to do."

*His roommate walked back to the village. Motoki waited until nightfall for the training to begin*

Motoki(mind):Maybe he's right...maybe this isn't worth it...

Motoki:"Aw man...he's going to be in so much trouble..."

Motoki(mind):What do I do? I should cover for him. He'll probably beat me up if I snitched.

Sensei:"I see your roommate didn't come."

*Motoki's Sensei suddenly appears from the ground*

Motoki:"W-Well, you see. He wasn't feeling good, and said his stomach hurt."

Sensei:"So he skipped training?"

Motoki:"Yes, he told me to give you his sincerest apologies."

*Motoki bowed to the Sensei*

Sensei:" need to cut your hair, Motoki."

Motoki:"Huh? Isn't everyone else's hair like this?"

*Motoki lifted up his small ponytail*

Sensei:" matter. There are some others out there already, so go find and join them."

Motoki:"Huh? I'm not working with you, Sensei?"

Sensei:"Not today, you will be training with the others in the mountain."

Motoki:"The mountain? Ok, sir."

*Motoki left the area, and went into the mountain*

Motoki(mind):If I remember correctly, the women village is on the other side of this mountain.

Motoki:"Woman, huh..."

Motoki(mind):Are they the exact same as us? I heard from some boys that they don't have crotches. How different are they? I'm actually...very curious.

Motoki:"What am I thinking? Stop, I can't go to that village. Sensei said that women will bring forth death.

*Motoki heard male voices further into the forest*

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