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Lena looked out at the window and felt the breeze. This moment was uncomfortable and she really didn't know how to handle the tension. Is there tension or was she just making it up in her mind. Was she just sending herself spinning and making this awkward.

"You ok?."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of asked man...I's like everyone's doing it and we are SEVENTH GRADERS...isn't that more of a highschool thing?."

"Not everyone's doing it...most are probably lying to look cool."

"Haha I hope so and I shouldn't care but wow does it feel strange to feel left behind..."

"Well I can lock my door and fuck you if you want?."

"Haha would you."

Brandon got up and locked the door and Lena then realized that their playful banter was taking a turn. She nervously smiled but started sweating bullets. Brandon took off his long sleeve shirt and what the hell was with the four pack abs. Working out young cannot be healthy and Lena felt insecure as he was half naked in front of her. His sweatpants string tied in a half knot in her face. A v-line down his stomach leading to his,oh god.Lena forced herself to look at the window again and Brandon sat beside her on the bed.

"B-b...Brandon your moms home and...and you should do this...with someone you...l-like...a lot."

"Am I making you uncomfortable?."


Brandon got up and went to pick up his long sleeve shirt and Lena glanced back at him from the window. And looked at his broad shoulders,defined arms and back as she saw those muscles move with his shirt sliding on. Lena didn't understand what this was or how to handle this.

"I thought we were joking and then you did all that."

"Sorry Lena I thought we were flirting but I misread the signals and I'm so sorry for making you uncomfortable."

"I..wait do you want to flirt with me..."

"Well let's just chalk this up to hormones? I can tell you're flustered but I'm kinda glad."

"What! Why!?."

"Because you see me as a guy. Because you think of me alittle as a sexual person."

"Now I'm confused."

"All good but hey wanna stay for dinner? My mom said it's tacos today."


"Great I'll go tell her and feel free to look around ok. Just don't break anything."

Lena saw Brandon leave to tell his mom and got up but her legs felt like jello. Did Brandon want her to see him as a guy? A sexual partner? Why did he want to be seen that way. You know what! Lena dropped it and perused his book cases and one whole shelf was CDs and the second one was vinyls. Then there was the hardcover books which grabbed Lena's attention as some of these were interesting. There was the lord of the rings and some marvel comics. And some DC ones too but then there was a romance book and a few poetry books.

"So she said It will be an hour. See anything you wanna read?."

"Ah well actually can you teach me some chords? I only know the E and G chords?."

"Ah well I'm self taught but I'll try. What song did you wanna learn?."

"Um...I like First Kiss by Mandy Moore lately."

"Oh um lemme look that one up on Chordie and see if someone has it on there."

Brandon got on his laptop and checked it out but it looked like no one had put it up. Just cry and candy which made sense,it was an obscure Mandy Moore song.

"Is there a reason you're taking an interest in guitar?."

"Ah well seems fun to have a way to vent our emotions."

"Well we can start at the basics if you want."

"What are the basics?."

"Well there's guitar anatomy,how to hold it,different types of guitars,tunning it and how to use the pick."

"Wow that's a lot of preparation but cool!."

"Haha right."

"You have a whole HMV in here with all these cds and vinyls."

"Wanna pick a CD and listen?."


Lena looked and saw a Justin Timberlake CD it was Justified and although she wasn't a fan she did like sexyback but she didn't know if now was the time. Was this atmosphere in her mind. Lena wanted to make it normal so she picked a Maroon 5 CD.

I don't mind spending every day
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay a while
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

How did she mess up and choose this romantic sounding slow song. It only made whatever this was more strange and they had a whole thirty minutes before dinner. Lena called her sister and Kat was cool with it and went out to eat since the call. Brandon smiled and said they can slow dance. He said he is a great dancer so Lena took his hand and he put her arms on his shoulders while he placed his hands on her midsection. Lena felt uncomfortable about the rolls and chub of her body but somehow. Here she was fine. Yeah she was nervous but it was nice and normal and warm. When the song ended both her and Brandon picked another CD and he asked her how school was. She was embarrassed to admit she cried and how she was attacked the other day. Brandon got mad hearing this and hugged her so tightly she felt herself losing air. He apologized for that too.

"I just hate that I cried and then ran...I don't want to go to school tomorrow."

"Hey I'm coming back I'll make sure I'm the one they talk about."

"Don't do that! I don't want you getting suspended."

"Aw did you miss me."

"You're the only friend I have there."

"I'll be there for you."

"Thanks Brandon."

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